Always Be Networking: How to Create, Maintain and Sustain Professional Relationships

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In this one-hour webinar, Tracy Z. Maleeff outlines the importance of networking as a professional development skill and competency for students to excel in the working world. Understand techniques and strategies to network both in person and online. Hear how you can develop those skills and then convert an introduction into a lasting professional relationship. Shed any thoughts you have about being an introvert, extrovert or ambivert, this label-free discussion will teach you how to hone networking as a professional skill in order to enhance your career.


networking, professional communication, professional relationships, network building, Special Libraries Association, SLA, SLASC, conferences, business cards, connections, mentoring


Communication Technology and New Media | Information Literacy | Interpersonal and Small Group Communication | Library and Information Science | Scholarly Communication | Scholarly Publishing | Social Media

Always Be Networking: How to Create, Maintain and Sustain Professional Relationships
