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This report documents the process the evaluation team, student evaluators from the Department of Anthropology at San Jose State University (SJSU), led by Professor Charles Darrah, went through to develop a modified charrette, to link research with ideation. The team‘s work was funded through a Healthy Eating Active Living Local Partnership Grant (―HEAL Grant‖) made to SJSU by Kaiser Permanente Northern California Region in the fall of 2007 and included a series of research projects with the goal of changing policies and the built environment at SJSU in ways that support health and wellness. Work was collaborative in that the team worked as a single cohesive unit and did not approach members of the university community as subjects. Instead, the team wanted to learn from them and explore ways of working together to create ideas that could be used to create a future SJSU that acknowledges different conceptions of wellness and individual needs among the university community. This report most closely follows the steps taken to develop the modified charrette or design workshop that brought together students from four departments with the results of the team‘s ethnographic research in a setting designed to stimulate creative ways to better support wellness on campus.


Ethnography, Evaluation, Built environment, Collaboration


* Marina L. Corrales graduated from San Jose State University with a degree of Masters of Arts (MA) in Anthropology in 2010.


