Heisinger, Brent
Date Updated
Academic Rank
Emeritus Professor
Year Retired from SJSU
Facebook or Website URL
Brent Heisinger https://www.brentheisinger.com/
Educational Background
Stanford University, 1968, D.M.A.
San Jose State University, 1962, M.A.
San Jose State University, 1958, A.B.
Teaching Experience
San Jose State, 1962-1996
Served as Theory/Musicianship Area Coordinator, conducted choral ensembles, taught trombone, piano, conducting, comprehensive musicianship, and composition.
Selected Publications
Heisinger’s music has been performed worldwide in 17countries; his Concerto No.2 for Piano and Wind Ensemble was awarded 2èmePrix at the International Composition Competition "Coups de Vents" in Le Havre, France. Guy Gauthreauz, timpanist of the U.S. Navy Band, commissioned and published his Sonata for Timpani and Brass. Episodes for Bassoon Quartet was recorded by the bassoon section of the San Francisco Opera Orchestra and is included among other works on his CD, EKTA produced by the San José Chamber Orchestra. Favorably reviewed, three concertos, EKTA I (2005, featuring a Taylor Eigsti jazz trio and tabla), EKTA II (2013, with piano soloist Gwendolyn Mok), and EKTA III (2016, with American-African drummer royal hartigan) were commissioned, premiered, and recorded by the SJCO. A CD of the concertos, EKTA TRILOGY, was released in 2017. His YouTube multi-media piece Loveliness was made available online recently featuring pianist Gwendolyn Mok and world renowned photographer/videographer Charles Cramer, a former SJSU music major. A Walk Within Winter for piano has been performed by Donna Stoering in Carnegie Hall, St. Petersburg (Russia), London (England). A Gershwin Tribute To Love arranged for symphonic band was published in 2013.
For additional information see:
Works https://www.brentheisinger.com/works/
Recordings https://www.brentheisinger.com/recordings/

Personal Commentary
While at the university he was presented the Outstanding Music Alumnus Award, School of Humanities and Arts Certificate of Distinction, and the SJSU President's Scholar Award. He was named a Teacher Scholar, and in 2019 won a SJSU Artist Award for KEYS, a CD of his piano music.
Brent and his wife reside in San José and enjoy the families of their three sons.