Date Updated
School of Management
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
2019 (FERP 2020-2024)
Educational Background
Harvard Business School, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, 2000-2001
Boston University, School of Management, DBA 2000
Williams College, BA 1971
Teaching Experience
Professor of Strategic Management, San Jose State University, 2001– Present
to be updated
Administrative and Professional Experience
Honors and Awards
Strategic Management Society annual meeting, 2003, semi-finalist for McKinsey Best Paper Award.
Strategic Management Society annual meeting, with N. Venkatraman, finalist for McKinsey Best Paper Award, 2000.
Winner, Highly Commended Award, Emerald Literati Network, Strategy and Leadership 2008
to be updated
Selected Publications
Selected Articles
For sustained digital advantage, find a huge customer problem and create the processes that will solve it. Strategy and Leadership. Vol, 52, No. 1. 2024
The making of a Digital Mindset. Strategy and Leadership Vol. 50 Iss. p. 41 – 426. 2022
Guiding the Emergence of Excellent Large Digital Systems" IEEE Engineering Management Review Vol. 48 Iss. 1 p. 71 – 76. 2020
Visionary customers: source of long-term competitive advantage. Strategy & Leadership. 29-36. May-June 2018.
Osvald M. Bjelland and Robert C. Wood. To nurture transformational technology, build a community like Sam Walton’s, Strategy & Leadership Vol. 43 Iss. 2. 2015
Bringing Large Technology Systems to Economic Maturity: The role of technology management. In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Society Conference. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Robert C. Wood, Daniel S. Levine, Gerald A. Cory Jr., and Daniel R. Wilson. Evolutionary Neuroscience and Human Motivation in Organization, in David A. Waldman and Pierre A. Balthazard, eds., Organizational Neuroscience, Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2015
Osvald M. Bjelland and Robert C. Wood. To nurture transformational technology, build a community like Sam Walton’s. Strategy & Leadership Vol. 43 Iss. 2 p. 41 – 46, 2015
Robert C. Wood and Osvald M. Bjelland. Five Alternative Approaches to the Strategic Reorientation Process. in F. W. Kellermanns & P. Mazzola (eds.), Handbook of Strategy Process, Northhampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar. 2012
Robert C. Wood, Gerald A. Cory Jr., and Osvald M. Bjelland. Brain Science and the Tasks of the Manager, The European Business Review, July-August 2011, pp. 17-22. 2011
Robert C. Wood, Michael Tushman, Wendy K. Smith, George Westerman, and Charles O'Reilly III. Organizational Designs and Innovation Streams. Industrial & Corporate Change, pp. 1-36, 2010
How does this successful turnaround specialist rate as a manager? Strategy and Leadership, Jan-Feb. 2009.
Robert C. Wood and Osvald Bjelland. An inside view of IBM’s Innovation Jam. M.I.T. Sloan Management Review, Vol. 50 Iss.1. Fall 2008.
Robert C. Wood and Liisa Valikangas. Managers who can Transform Institutions within their Firms: Activism and the Practices that Stick, in D. Barry and H. Hansen, eds., Handbook of New Approaches to Organization Studies. London: Sage. 2008.
Robert C. Wood and Osvald Bjelland. Five Ways to Transform a Business. Strategy and Leadership Vol. 36 Iss. 3 May-June 2008
How Strategic Innovation Really Gets Started. Strategy and Leadership, Vol.35 Iss.1 January 2007.
Robert C. Wood and Osvald Bjelland. The Board and the Next Technology Breakthrough. European Management Journal, June 2005
Robert C. Wood and M. Tushman. IBM Network Technology. Harvard Business Review 2004
Robert C. Wood and Gary Hamel. Best Practice: The World Bank's Innovation Market. Harvard Business Review 2002
Robert C. Wood, P. Loewe and P. J. Williamson. "The Five Styles of Strategy Innovation" European Management Journal Vol. 19 Iss. 2 (2001
Book Chapters
Robert C. Wood, Daniel S. Levine, Gerald A. Cory and Daniel R. Wilson. Evolutionary Neuroscience and Human Motivation in Organizations. Organizational Neuroscience Vol. 7, p. 143 – 167, 2015
O. Bjelland and Robert C. Wood. Five Alternative Approaches to the Strategic Reorientation Process. Northampton, Masschusetts: Handbook of Strategy Process 2010
Robert C. Wood and L. Valikandgas. Managers who can Transform Institutions Within Their Firms: Activism and the Practices that Stick. London, UK: Handbook of New Approaches to Organization Studies 2008
More about presentation of referred papers can be found in Dr. Wood’s CV.
Download Curriculum Vitae (228 KB)
Personal Commentary
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Dr. Robert C. Wood is a Professor in the School of Management at San José State University. Dr. Wood studies how leaders make successful innovation possible in large human systems of all kinds.
Before coming to San Jose, Wood was a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Business School in the Program on Organizational Change. He completed his doctorate in Management Policy and Strategy at Boston University, where his thesis dealt with how companies overcome inertia and begin innovating effectively. Research for his dissertation dealt with companies including IBM, GE Capital, Monsanto, and NIPSCO.
Wood’s research has resulted in publications appearing in journals such as Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, Technology Review, Policy Review, Asia, and European Management Journal. He is academic advisor to the Global Leadership and Technology Exchange, a global, senior executive-driven consortium of large companies seeking to re-engineer their value chains to cope with today's environmental problems and achieve low-carbon growth. The consortium funds on-going studies on how managers can integrate res