Betando, Donald J. (1934-2007)
Date Updated
Division of Technology
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
Educational Background
San Jose State University, 1961 MA
Ohio State University, Cert. for teachers, Indust. Arts. Curr. Proj.
San Jose State University, 1956 BA
Teaching Experience
San Jose State University, 1958-1994
San Francisco Unified School District, 1970-1971
Santa Clara County School District, 1963-1971
San Jose City College, 1959-1965
Hawaii State Educ. Dept., Summer 1973
Humboldt State University, Summer 1972
Chico State University, Summer 1968
University of North Dakota, Summer 1967
Administrative and Professional Experience
Director, Division of Technology, SJSU, 1979‑92,
Acting Associate Exec. Vice President, SJSU;
Associate Dean, School of Applied Arts and Sciences, SJSU;
Education Consultant to Santa Clara County School District and school districts of San Francisco, New Haven, Sunnyvale, San Lorenzo, San Carlos;
Member of Planning Committee for "United Science and Mathematics for The Elementary School" project for the National Science Foundation.
Consultant to Reed Exhibition Co.
Presently working as Program Consultant and Industry liaison with the Packaging Program at SJSU.
Selected Publications
Author of articles
For national educational journals:
"Industrial Advisory Boards Play Important Role in Industrial Technology Programs,"
"Industrial Arts in the Rehabilitation of the Handicapped,"
"Let's Start at the Very Beginning."
In trade journals:
"The Packaging Industry‑‑Is it Wasting Away?" and numerous other articles on packaging education.
Co‑author of intermediate elementary Industrial Arts Project Booklet. Contribution to National Assessment Exam.

Personal Commentary
I was born in San Jose, CA, in 1934, attended Bellarmine College Preparatory, San Jose State University, and taught high school before entering the army for two years. I returned to SJSU, entered the Master's program and taught part‑time in the Industrial Arts Dept. In June of 1958, I journeyed to Appleton, WI, to marry. That fall, I became a full‑time instructor and then progressed step‑by‑step to become a full professor in 1970. While at SJSU, I served in a variety of administrative roles, and as a chairman or a member of numerous committees. My committee work in the community included being a member of a private elementary School Board and the Archdiocese of San Francisco School Board.
Nationally, I was chosen as the first Chairman of the Executive Board of the National Association of Industrial Technology after serving as its vice‑president and president. I was also selected as Western Packaging "Man of the Year in 1987." I continue to be active and give numerous talks on packaging throughout the United States.
At the present time, I serve as consultant and industry liaison for the Packaging Program in the Nutrition and Food Science Department. I initiated and developed this program to meet the needs of the packaging industry on the west coast.
Our three children are all graduates of SJSU: One daughter is an elementary school science teacher, our son is an elementary school principal, and our other daughter is an R.N. Our children have blessed us with seven grandchildren‑‑ages 10 years through 10 months.
Date Completed:10/96
Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.