
Neenu Antony

Publication Date

Fall 2024

Degree Type

Master's Project

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Nada Attar

Second Advisor

Robert Chun

Third Advisor

Navrati Saxena


Visual Search, Eye Tracking, Working Memory Load, Cognitive Load, Executive Functions, Pupillometry


Van der Wel & Van Steenbergen mention that there has been a surge in pupillometry research in the past two decades, particularly in the area of task-evoked pupil dilation in the context of cognitive control tasks. The goal of most of these studies has been focused on finding a link between pupil dilation and effort exerted by an individual [10]. The review by authors Van der Wel & Van Steenbergen, aimed to assess the potential of pupil dilation as an indicator of effort rather than task complexity. Their analysis revealed that heightened task demands in domains such as updating, switching, and inhibition generally corresponded to increased pupil dilation. However, the relationship between pupil dilation and performance varies across studies. By interpreting pupil dilation as an indicator of effort exertion, researchers can gain valuable insights into the differences observed across these studies. [10]

Available for download on Wednesday, December 31, 2025
