About SJSU ScholarWorks
SJSU ScholarWorks, San Jose State University‘s institutional repository, serves as a platform that enhances scholarly communication in a digital landscape. ScholarWorks is a flexible platform accommodating various material types including but not limited to documents (i.e., journal articles, conference papers, technical reports, pre- and post-prints), books and book chapters, datasets, multimedia publications, theses, dissertations, and other capstone work. ScholarWorks is also available for hosting open-access journals. The goals of the repository are to:
- Provide persistent and centralized access to research, scholarly, and creative works produced by the SJSU community
- Promote research and collaboration among scholarly communities within the SJSU campus and beyond
- Assist the SJSU community with compliance for any funder mandates on data deposit and open data policies
- Preserve the history, growth, and development of SJSU
Members of the SJSU academic community are invited to contribute research, supplementary datasets, creative works, and other institutional assets for long-term preservation and worldwide accessibility through SJSU ScholarWorks.
If you have questions or wish to contribute your content to SJSU ScholarWorks, please contact our repository staff at scholarworks@sjsu.edu.
Please consult the following link for data depositing on SJSU ScholarWorks.