Robinson, Henry W. (1924-2014)
Date Updated
Biological Sciences
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
Educational Background
Stanford University, 1962 Ph.D.
University of Southern California, 1949 MS
Brigham Young University, 1947 BA
University of New Mexico (Navy V12 Program), 1943
University of Illinois, 1941
Teaching Experience
University of Hawaii (Adjunct), 1990-Present
San Jose State University (plus 4 yrs. FERP), 1952-1988
London School of Hyg./Trop. Med., 1978
Dacca University, East Pakistan (Summers), 1969 & 70
Los Angeles High School (P.E. Inst.), 1948-1951
Administrative and Professional Experience
U.S. Navy, 1943‑46, Pacific Theater (Lt. J.G. Rank).
Assoc. Member, Div. of Geographic Med., Stanford University, 1985‑92.
Resource Consultant, Virology Standards, Laboratory Standards, Research & Development, and Training Committees, California Assoc. of Public Health Laboratory Directors, 1984‑92.
Member, Clinical Laboratory Committee, American Society of Parasitologists, 1981-88.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 1978.
Parasitology Consultant, Proficiency Testing Program, American Association of Bioanalyst, 1971‑95.
Fellow in Tropical Medicine, National Institutes of Health (middle and South America), 1961.
Selected Publications
Research papers on various infectious diseases, i.e., toxoplasmosis, anisakiasis, amebiasis, African trypanosomiasis, cholera, etc.
Medical Parasitology: A Laboratory Guide (4 editions).
A number of "consultancy" documents and evaluation reports for Peace Corps, AID, and WHO relating to work overseas.

Personal Commentary
One of the fortunate aspects of my career has been the opportunities afforded me to work in my field of expertise, i.e., tropical public health/epidemiology, in many areas of the world. In all of my studies, funding was from Peace Corps, AID, and WHO. To study endemic tropical diseases, i.e., malaria, schistosomiasis, etc. in populations, requires travel and work sites in the developing world. Over the years I have worked in middle/South America, Philippines, Thailand, Korea, East Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, and Europe. Currently, I am involved with a research project in the Federated States of Micronesia helping to document endemic disease patterns.
During my 40 years at SJSU, I served on a wide‑range of committees at the department, school, and university levels; and two terms on the Academic Council. Also, I was coordinator of the "Allied Health Professions" Grant from 1966‑68.
I spent a number of summers between 1963‑70 involved in the training of Peace Corps volunteers, both at SJSU and the University of Hawaii. My primary responsibilities were to design/teach in the areas of Science Education and Tropical Health.
I have been active in church work, serving on Boards and as Church Moderator; and this role continues. I have been privileged to have a very supportive wife/children over the years; they have helped me to maintain "enthusiasm and vigor" for my career and family life. This "life style" continues for us, both in California and Hawaii.
Date Completed: 11/96
Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.