Olliges, Sandra M.

Olliges, Sandra M.

Date Updated




Academic Rank

Lecturer Emerita

Year Retired from SJSU


Educational Background

Saybrook Graduate School, Human Studies, MA, 2008

  • Masters Thesis Title, Love for All Beings in the Practice of Aikido: A Phenomenological Study. (2008).

Sonoma State University, Environmental Studies and Planning, BA, 1985

Teaching Experience

San Jose State University, Kinesiology, Lecturer, 2005-2017

San Jose State University, Environmental Studies, Lecturer, 2005

Fremont Union High School District, Adult and Community Education,Aikido and Yoga Teacher, 1992-2017

Administrative and Professional Experience

NASA Ames Research Center, hired as Environmental Manager, retired as Deputy Director, Safety, Environmental and Mission Assurance, 1988-2008

Selected Publications

Olliges, S. (2010). Strengths and weaknesses of McNamara’s evolutionary psychology model of dreaming. Evolutionary Psychology, 8(4). doi.org/10.1177/147470491000800402

Olliges, S. (2012 - 2021). Ecomind. Psychology Today. Blogposts. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ecomind

Personal Commentary

Providing childcare and household help to help raise grandchildren, 2008-present (2023)


Olliges, Sandra M.
