Katz, Michael S.
Date Updated
Secondary Education; Philosophy
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
Educational Background
Stanford University, Philosophy of Education (Major Field), Philosophy (Minor Field), 1974 PhD
Stanford University, Education, 1967 MA
California State Lifetime Teaching Credential: 1967
Amherst College, English major, Philosophy minor, 1967 BA (with honors)
Teaching Experience
- San Jose State University, School of Education, Professor Emeritus, Fall 2009--
- Stanford University, School of Education, Visiting Professor, Winter 2001,Fall 1999; Visiting Scholar, 2000-2001
- San Jose State University, Division of Teacher Education, Professor, 1998-2009; Associate Professor, 1991-1998; Assistant Professor, 1988-1991
- San Jose State University, Division of Teacher Education; Philosophy Department, Lecturer, 1986-1988
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, Department of Educational Foundations, Associate Professor( tenured), 1979-1986
- Stanford University, College of Education, Visiting Scholar, 1984-1985
- San Francisco State University, Secondary Education, Lecturer, Spring 1985
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, Department of Educational Foundations, Assistant Professor, 1977-1979
- The American University (Washington, D.C.), Department of Higher Education, Assistant Professor and Chair, 1974-1977
- Claremont High School (Claremont, Ca.), English Teacher, 1967-1970
Administrative and Professional Experience
San Jose State University
- San Jose State University: University Rank and Tenure Committee—2001-2003 (elected representative from the College of Education)
- BOGS (Board of General Studies Committee)—San Jose State –Fall 2001
- College of Education Research, Scholarship and Special Projects Committee, chair, 2001-2002; chair, 2002-2003; member 2003-2004.
- College of Education Rank and Tenure Committee; member 2003-2004
- Ad Hoc Committee on Assessment Standard II for Dept. of Secondary Education, Chair, 2001-2002
- Institute for Social Responsibility at San Jose State University, Advisory Board (1996-present), Director (1991-1993), Steering Committee Member (1994-96)
- Division of Applied Ethics and Education at San Jose State, Director (1995-present)
- Francis T. Villemain Scholarship Fund and Memorial Villemain Lecture at SJSU, Chair (1992-present); yearly, endowed university-wide lecture series
- American Educational Studies Association, Executive Council (1989-1992); (1980-1983)—elected by membership.
- Member of CASA (committee on Academic Standards), 2002-present
- John Dewey Society, Executive Council (1975-1978)
- Academic Senate (SJSU) (1998-2000); (2001-2004)—elected terms; Chair, Committee on Professional Standards (2002-2004); Member, Executive Council of University Senate (2002-2004); Member, Budget Advisory Board of Senate (2002-present); Chair of Organization and Governance Committee; member of Executive Council (1999-2000); member of O & G committee (2001-2002)
- Chair of Division of Teacher Education RTP Committee (1998-1999)
- Chair of College of Education Governance Committee (1998-1999)
- Chair, Search Committee for Psychological Foundations of Education positionin Division of Teacher Education 1998-1999
- Chair, Search Committee for Social Foundations of Education position in Division of Teacher Education, 1999-2000.
- Teachers College Press
- Harper Collins Publishing Company
- Jossey-Bass Publishers
Editorial Board
- Educational Theory (1990-1994); (2000-2004)
Professional Service
Philosophy of Education Society
- Chair, Nominating Committee, (April 2010-April 2011)
- Immediate Past President (April 2008-April 2009)
- President- (April, 2007-April 2008)
- Executive Board (elected to two year term 2002-2004)
- Chair, Membership Committee (2002-2004)
- Chair, Resolutions Committee (2004; 2001-2002)
- Chair, Nominating Committee (1998-1999)
- Chair, Task Force on Promoting Ethics in the Professions (2000-present)
- Chair, Ad Hoc Task Force on Ethics and Education (1996-2000)
- Chair, Special Interest Group in Ethics and Education (1993-2007)
- Chair, 1994 Program Committee
- Editor, 1994 Yearbook Proceedings
- Nominating Committee (1995, 1992; elected position)
- Secretary-Treasurer (1988-1990)
- Chair, Commission on Professional Affairs (1979-1984)
- Chair, Resolutions Committee (1992)
- Member, Hospitality Committee (2004; 1995)
California Association for Philosophers of Education
- President, 2007-2009
- President, 1993-1995
- Secretary-Treasurer, 1989-1993
Community Service
Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School in Palo Alto
- Board of Directors (2007-2009)
- Grandparents Fundraising Committee (2009-2010)
- Member, Evaluation of Head Committee (2008-2009)
- Member, Finance Committee (2008-2009)
- Member, Advisory Board to Search Committee for Head of School(2007-2008)
Temple Beth Jacob Synagogue
- Vice-President (1995-1996)
- Board of Directors (1994-1996)
- Chair, Datebook (Temple Directory and Advertising Vehicle) (1995-2000)
- Chair, Personnel Committee (1996-2001)
Solomon Shechter Jewish Day School of Omaha, Nebraska
- Founding Member—1981
- Vice-President and Chair of Curriculum Committee (1981-1984)
Selected Publications
Publications and Papers
Katz, M.S. (2014), “The Role of Trustworthiness in Teaching: An Examination of The Verducci, S. and Katz, M.S. Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, in Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (6), 621-633.
Verducci, S. and Katz, M.S., 2014 (Eds.), Narratives in Ethics and Education in Studies in Philosophy and Education 33(6), 575-646.
Katz, M.S, Requirements for Integrity in an Era of Accountability: A Response To P.J. Nelson, In Gert Biesta (ed.) Philosophy of Education 2010 (Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois at Champagne-Urbana). Forthcoming.
Verducci, S. & Katz, M., (2011),Doubt and the Framing of Virtue through Film, In DeVitis, J.L. & Yu, T. (eds.) Character and Moral Education: A Reader, (New York: Peter Lang Publishing) 356-368.
Katz, M (2011) “R.S. Peters’ Normative Conception of Education and Educational Aims,” Reading R.S. Peters Today: Analysis, Ethics and the Aims of Education. (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) 94-105.
Katz, M. (2011), “Requirements for Integrity in an Era of Accountability: A Response To P.J. Nelson,” In G. Biesta (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 2010 Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois. Forthcoming.
Katz, M and Quill, L (2010), Trust and Accountability in American Education, Urbana: Illinois: University of Illinois Press. Draft.
Katz, M.S., (2009)“Teaching with Integrity,” In R. Glass (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 2008 (pp. 1-11). Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois.
Katz, M (2009), “The Right To Education,” in Katz, M, Verducci, S. & Biesta, G., (eds.) Education, Democracy, and the Moral Life,(New York: Springer Publishing, 2008). Pp. 31-45
Katz,M, Verducci, S. & Biesta, G., (eds.) (2008), Education, Democracy, and the Moral Life,(New York: Springer Publishing, 2009).
Katz, M and Quill, L, (2008) “Teaching Virtue by Storytelling: A Comparative Analysis,” B.C. Educational Leadership Research, 11, retrieved from http://educ.ubc.ca/BCELRejournal.
Katz, M. (2007), “Competing Conceptions of Caring and Teaching Ethics to Teachers,” In Barbara Stengel (ed.) Philosophy of Education 2007 (Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois at Champagne-Urbana), pp. (unknown at this time).
Katz, M (2006), “Trust, Trustworthiness, Narcissism and Moral Blindness: An Examination of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” (paper delivered at the Annual conference of The British Philosophy of Education Society, March 31, 2006)
Katz, M. (2006), “Trust and Trustworthiness: Extending Rice’s Analysis,” in Daniel Vokey (ed.), Philosophy of Education 2006 (Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois at Champagne-Urbana), pp. 79-81.
Miller, M. and Katz, M.., (2004) “Effective shared governance: Academic governance as a win-win proposition,” in Harold Wechsler, ed., 2004 NEA Almanac of
Higher Education. Washington, D.C.: National Education Association, pp. 83-91.
Katz, M.S., Miller, M, and Peter, K.(2003), “Academic democracy: Pursuing faculty involvement in university governance” in Planning and Changing (pp. 2-18), Vol. 34, No. 1 & 2.
Katz, M. (2003), “Trust and Trustworthiness: A Moral Dimension of Teacher-Student Relationships (paper delivered to the California Association for Philosophers of Education, May 2, 2003 at Stanford University).
Katz, M.S. (2002), “Avoiding the rocks between the Scylla of Normative Commitments And the Charybdis of Dubious Facts,” in Scott Fletcher (Ed.) .). Philosophy of education 2000: A Publication of the Philosophy of Education Society (pp. 303-306). Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Katz, M.S.(2000) “Helping adoloscents grow: Issues of autonomy, authenticity, and identity formation,” In Lynda Stone (Ed.). Philosophy of education 2000: A Publication of the Philosophy of Education Society. Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In Press.
Katz, M.S. and L.G. Denti (Eds.) (2000). “Democracy, Education, and the Moral Life.” The Francis T. Villemain Lectures at San Jose State. In Studies in Philosophy and Education. Vol. 19, no. 3.
Katz, M.S.(1999) “Teaching about caring and fairness: May Sarton’s ‘The Small Room.’” In M.S. Katz, N. Noddings, and K. Strike (Eds.). Justice and caring:The search for common ground in education (pp 59-73). New York: Teachers College Press.1999
Katz, M.S., Noddings, N., and Strike, K.(Eds.)(1999). Justice and caring: The search for common ground in education. New York: Teachers College Press, 1999
Katz, M.S. “On becoming a teacher: May Sarton’s The Small Room’” In Susan Laird (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1997 (pp. 214-222). Urbana, Ill: University of Illinois.
Densmore, K & Katz, M.S. (1997). “Multiculturalism and respect for students: Teachers’ duties, classroom norms, and students’ rights.” In J.M. Novak & L.G. Denti (Eds.) Multicultures: A monograph on diversity in the field of education. Vol. 3 (pp. 1-18). San Jose, Ca.: College of Education, San Jose State University.
Katz, M.S. & Denti, L.G. (1996). “The road to nowhere begins with where we are: Rethinking the future of American education. Interchange 27, 263-277.
Katz, M.S. (1996). “Equal educational opportunity: Reexamining a liberal ideal,” in M. Manning & R. Trujillo (Eds.). Social Justice in a Diverse Society (pp. 39-46). Mountain View, Ca.: Mayfield Press.
Katz, M.S. (1996). “Unity and diversity: An interpretation.” In K. Hostetler (Ed.), Ethical Judgment in Teaching (pp. 140-144). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Katz, M.S. (1996). “Unity and diversity: A response to Emily Robertson.” In K. Hostetler (Ed.), Ethical Judgment in Teaching (pp. 149-153). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Katz, M.S. (1996). “Moral stories: How much can we learn from them and is it enough?” In F. Margonis (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1996 (pp. 12-17). Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois.
Denti, L.G. & Katz, M.S. (1995). “Escaping the cave to dream new dreams: A normative vision for learning disabilities.” Journal of Learning Disabilities, 28 ( 7), 415-424.
Katz, M.S. (1995). “Why has the field of education lagged behind other fields in promoting systematic study in ethics?” In C. McCarthy (Ed.), Philosophy of Education Newsletter (pp. 6-7). Des Moines, Ia.: University of Iowa.
Katz, M.S. (Ed.) (1994). Philosophy of Education 1994. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois.
Katz, M.S. (1993). “Wittgenstein, Smeyers, and educational research.” In A. Thompson (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1993 (pp. 148-150). Urbana, Il.l: University of Illinois.
Katz, M.S. (1991). “ Respect for persons and students: Charting some ethical territory.” In R. Floden & M. Buchmann (Eds.), Philosophy of Education 1991. (pp. 185-196). Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois.
Katz, M.S. (1990). “The teacher as judge: A brief sketch of two fairness principles.” In D. Ericson (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1990. (pp. 350-359). Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois.
Katz, M.S. (1988). “Students’ right to liberty.” In J. Giarelli (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1988 (pp.182-186). Normal, Ill.: Illinois State University.
Katz, M.S. (1986). “Democracy and education revisited: A response to Rizvi.” In N. Burbules (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1986 (pp. 34-41). Normal, Ill.: Illinois State University.
Katz, M.S. (1984). “A case study: Race relations.” In P.A. Sola (Ed.), Ethics and Decision Making (pp. 295-300). New York: Peter Lang.
Katz, M.S., (1983). “Towards improving the health of teacher education: A second opinion.” In A. Bagley (Ed.), The right questions?: Six reviews of “too many schools of education, too little scholarship (pp. 15-18). Minneapolis, Minn: Society for Professors of Education.
Katz, M.S. (1982). “Critical literacy: A conception of education as a moral right and a social ideal.” In R. Everhart (Ed.), The public school monopoly: A critical analysis of education and the state in American society (pp. 193-218). Cambridge, Ma.: Ballinger-Harper & Row.
Katz, M.S. (1982). “Can we learn to survive: Raising ecological consciousness.” In D. Kerr (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1982 (pp. 186-188). Normal, Ill.: Illinois State University.
Katz, M.S. (1979). “The student as student.” In These Times 3 (44), 2-3.
Katz, M.S. (1979). “Individuality: The roads not taken.” Insights 16, 7.
Katz, M.S. (1978). “A response to Ericson and Seidman,” In G. Fenstermacher (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1978 (pp. 14-17). Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois.
Katz, M.S. (1978). “Teaching people to think for the future: Some guidelines for teacher education.” Journal of Teacher Education 29, 57-61.
Katz, M.S. (1977), “Educational practices: Reflections on a neglected topic,” I. Steinberg (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1977 (pp. 64-75). Worcester, Ma.: Heffernan Press/ University of Illinois.
Katz, M.S. (1977), “Compulsion and the discourse on compulsory school attendance.” Educational Theory 27, 179-185.
Katz, M.S. (1976), “Two views of ‘teaching people to think.’” Educational Theory 26, 168-174.
Katz, M.S. (1976). “A response to Angelo.” In K. Strike (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1976 (pp. 324-328). Worcester, Ma.: Heffernan Press/ University of Illinois.
Katz, M.S. (1976). A history of compulsory education laws. Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa.
Katz, M. and Quill, L (2010, Trust and Accountability in U.S. Educational Policy: A Conceptual Reexamination (paper delivered at the Annual PESGB conference in Oxford, England on March 28, 2010.)
Katz, M.S., “Teaching with Integrity,” Presidential Address delivered to the Philosophy of Education Society at its annual meeting in Cambridge, Mass on April 13, 2008
Katz, M.S. Fairness, Trustworthiness, Integrity and Self-Respect: An Analysis of “The Emperor’s Club”, paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain in Oxford, England, March 29, 2008
Katz, M.S., Three Conceptions of Caring and the Teaching of Professional Ethics, paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain in Oxford, England, March 31, 2007
Katz, M.S., “Competing Conceptions of Caring and the Teaching Ethics to Teachers,” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society In Atlanta, Georgia, March 16, 2007.
Katz, M.S., “Competing Conceptions of Caring—the Challenge of Teaching Ethics To Pre-Service Teachers,” paper presented at the bi-annual California Philosophy of Education Society Meeting in Stanford, California May 5, 2007.
Katz, M.S. “Trust and Trustworthiness: Extending Rice’s Analysis,” paper in response to General Session paper by Suzanne Rice, presented at the 62d annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society, in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico on April 23, 2006.
Katz, M.S., Trust, Trustworthiness, Narcissism and Moral Blindness: An Examination of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, April 1, 2006.
Katz, M.S., The Ethics of Trustworthiness and The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, paper delivered to the College of Education faculty on March 15, 2006
Katz, M.S., Is There A Right to Education? A Philosophical Analysis through U.S.. Lenses, paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, March 30, 2005
Katz, M.S. (2003, May): Trust and Trustworthiness: A Moral Dimension in Teacher-Student Relationships,” paper delivered at the California Philosophy of Education Meeting in Stanford, Ca., May 9, 2003
Katz, M.S(April, 2003). “Starting at Home: a Critical Review,” paper delivered at a panel at the Great Britain Philosophy of Education Society meeting in Oxford, England April 11, 2003.
Katz, M.S. (2002, August): “Reflexivity and Teaching Self-Respect,” paper delivered at The International Philosophy of Education Conference in Oslo, Norway, Aug. 11,2002.
Katz, M.S. (2002, April): “Avoiding the Rocks between the Scylla of Normative Commitment and the Charybdis of Dubious Facts,” a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Philosophy of Education Meeting in Vancouver, Canada, April 14, 2002.
Katz, M.S. (2002, March): “Equity: A Philosophical Perspective,” College of Education Presentation at Retreat for the Faculty, March 15th, San Jose, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (2001, November): “Becoming a Moral Teacher: The Components of an Ethical Sensibility,” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Association in Miami, Florida
Katz, M.S.(2000, March). Helping Adolescents Grow: Issues of Autonomy, Authenticity, and Identity Formation.’” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Philosophy of Education Society in Toronto, Canada,
Katz, M.S. (2000, March). “Moral relationships and moral harm: an Interpretation of This Boy’s Life.” Paper presented at a symposium on “Film and the Moral Life” at the annual meeting of the International Philosophy of Education Society in Toronto, Canada.
Katz, M.S. (2000, May). “Reflexivity and Teaching Self-Respect.” Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the California Philosophy of Education Society. Stanford, California.
Katz, M.S. (1999, July). “Respect for students and persons.” Invited talk given at Leuven University, Leuven, Netherlands. Katz, M.S.(2000, March).
Katz, M.S. (Nov., 1998). “The moral education of adolescents: This Boy’s Life. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Society, Philadelphia, Pa.
Katz, M.S. (Oct., 1998). “What issues are we talking about in philosophy of education now?”. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the California Philosophy of Education Society. Los Angeles, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (June, 1998). “Developing moral Persons: Literature and May Sarton’s The Small Room, Invited paper delivered to the Faculty of Education at the University of Haifa, Israel.
Katz, M.S., (1997, April). “On becoming a teacher: May Sarton’s The Small Room.,” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. Vancouver, Canada.
Katz, M.S. (1997, April). “Teacher preparation and philosophy of education.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. Vancouver, Canada.
Katz, M.S. (1997, May) “Democracy and the arts of schooling: some critical reflections.” Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the California Association for Philosophers of Education.
Katz, M.S. (1996, March), “Moral stories: How much can we learn from them and is it enough?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. Houston.
Katz, M.S. (1995, April). “The problem of being a moral person in an immoral organization.” Paper presented to the Institute for Social Responsibility at San Jose State. San Jose.
Katz, M.S. (1993, Oct.). “Literature and the moral condition: Some complexities,” Paper presented to the California Association for Philosophers of Education. Los Angeles.
Katz, M.S. (1993, April). “Does literature provide us with an alternative view of moral decision-making.” Paper presented to the San Jose State Philosophy Department. San Jose.
Katz, M.S. (1993, March). “Wittgenstein, Smeyers, and educational research.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. New Orleans.
Katz, M.S. (1992, Oct.). “Can schools develop moral students? Is there a cheating epidemic at top high schools.” Paper presented to the Branson School Parent Association.” Mill Valley, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (1991, October). “Noddings’ view of caring as a basis for treating students ethically: A critical perspective.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Association. Kansas City, Mo.
Katz, M.S. (1991, July). “Bringing up persons: An ethic of care for teachers.” Paper presented at national conference of the American Association of Philosophy Teachers. San Jose.
Katz, M.S. (1991, May). “Self-respect and schooling.” Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the California Association for Philosophers of Education. Davis, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (1991, April). “ Self-respect and teacher empowerment.” Paper presented at annual meeting of the Society for Professors of Education. Chicago.
Katz, M.S. (1990, November), “Competing conceptions of respect for students.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Association. Orlando, Fla.
Katz, M.S. (1990, November), “Developing moral character in a troubled time.” Paper presented at Temple Beth Jacob’s Adult Education Forum. Redwood City, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (1990, August), “Philosophy as critical conversation: Strategies to promote dialogue for K-12 teachers.” Paper presented at International Conference on Critical Thinking and Moral Critique. Sonoma, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (1990, May), “Can we develop moral students in an amoral society: Insights from classical theory.” Paper presented at the California Classics Association. Santa Clara, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (1990, April). “Two views of respect for students.” Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the California Association for Philosophers of Education. Stanford, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (1990, April). “The teacher as judge: A brief sketch of two fairness principles.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. Miami, Fla.
Katz, M.S. (1990, March). “Ethical problems in teacher student relations.” Paper presented at the SJSU Philosophy Department Colloquium Series. San Jose.
Katz, M.S. (1989, October). “ The tension between caring and fairness in education.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Association. Chicago, Ill.
Katz, M.S. (1989, April). “Caring and fairness: A real or illusory tension in teacher student relations.” Paper delivered at the bi-annual meeting of the California Association for Philosophers of Education.
Katz, M.S. (1989, March). “On the tension between caring and fairness in education.” Paper presented for the Philosophy and Religion Colloquium at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Omaha, Ne.
Katz, M.S. (1988, March). “Students’ Right to Liberty.” Paper presented at the annualmeeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. San Diego, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (1987, Dec.). “Cultivating moral understanding: Some reflections on curriculum and pedagogy.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Far Western Philosophy of Education Society. Santa Cruz, Ca.
Katz, M.S. (1987, November). “ Are we harming students’ self-respect?” Paper presented at the SJSU Philosophy Department Colloquium Series. San Jose, Ca.