Canham, Daryl L.
Date Updated
The Valley Foundation School of Nursing
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
Educational Background
Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Ed.D 1998
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, MSN 1980
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, BSN 1971
Dissertation Title
Development of a Collaborative Interdisciplinary Health Care Delivery Model at an Urban Academic Nurse Managed Center to Reflect Changes in Nursing Education
Teaching Experience
San Jose State University, School of Nursing, Skills Lab Facilitator, 1979-1981
San Jose State University, School of Nursing, Lecturer, 1981-2003
San Jose State University, School of Nursing, Associate Professor, 2003-2007
San Jose State University, School of Nursing/The Valley Foundation School of Nursing Professor, 2007-2022
Administrative and Professional Experience
Health Coordinator/PHN, Community Coordinated Child Development Council of Santa Clara County, San Jose, CA, 1977-1979
Director of Nursing, Unicare Inc., San Jose, CA, 1974-1976
Public Health Nurse, HomeKare, Inc., San Jose, CA, 1973-1974
Charge Nurse, Pediatrics, Marian Hospital, Santa Maria, CA, 1972-1973
School Nurse, Albuquerque Public Schools, Albuquerque, NM, 1971-1972
Staff Nurse, Bataan Memorial (Lovelace) Hospital, Albuquerque, NM, 1971-1972
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Alpha Gamma Chapter
- President,2023-2024
- Counselor, 2020-2023
- Governance Chair, 2018-2020
- Chapter Counselor, 2016-2018
- Chapter President, 2012-2016
- Corresponding Secretary,2010-2012
- Treasurer, 2002-2007
- Chair of Scholarship/Grant/Awards committee, 1985-2007
- Treasurer, Biennial Convention (San Francisco, CA.), 1987
Breathe California of the Bay Area (formerly American Lung Association of Santa Clara and San Benito Counties), Board of Directors, 2001 & 2007, Board Secretary, 2004, Board of Directors Chair. (2011-2013)
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacramento, CA. Member, revision of School Nurse Standards, 2007.
Service Learning in Family Health, Project Coordinator, AmeriCorps grant project for the SJSU campus, 2001-2002
Santa Clara County School Nurses Association: Liaison to The Valley Foundation School of Nursing, Membership Chair, 2004-2011)
San Jose State University Committees:
- College of Applied Sciences and Arts, College Committee of Research and Faculty Development, 2003-2007
- Academic Senate, representing CASA, 2006-2009
- Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee, College of Health and Human Sciences: 2020-2021
- Graduate Studies and Research, 2006-2009
- Professional Standards and Policies, 2007-2009
San Jose State University School of Nursing Committees:
- Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee, 2010-2015; 2017-2020
- Nurse Managed Centers Committee, 2003-2020
- Student Affairs, 2003-2020
- Graduate Committee, 2003-2018
Selected Publications
Rauch, L, Dudley, N, Adelman, T & Canham, D. Palliative Care Education and Serious Illness Communication Training for Baccalaureate Nursing Students. Nurse Educ. 2023 Feb 6.
Dudley, N, Rauch, L, Adelman, T & Canham, D. Addressing Cultural Competency and Primary Palliative Care Needs in Community Health Nursing. J Hosp Palliat Nurs. October 2022.
Dudley, E.N., Rauch, L. and Canham, D. Integrating Palliative Care in Community Health Nursing and Nurse Managed Centers. California Statewide Summit between Academia and Practice: Leveraging Partnerships Between Academia and Practice to Advance the PHN Workforce. Sacramento, CA., March 10, 2020.
Canham, D. & Adelman, T., A Collaborative Health Care Model in the Community: Podium Presentation. Sigma Theta Tau International, Region 1 Conference, Sacramento, CA. March 2, 2019
Rauch, L., Canham, D., Adelman, Omsberg, T.J. and N. Dudley, N. In the Round: Conversations on Palliative Care in Community Settings. Shiley Institute for Palliative Care: National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care Education and Research. San Diego, CA., October 11-12, 2019.Li,Xia, Canham, D., Wahl, S. (2016). Indicators of job satisfaction of Home Health Care nurses in the San Francisco Bay area of California. Home Health Care Now, 34 (6), 2-7.
Luong, J., Yoder, M., & Canham, D. (2009). Southeast Asian parents raising a child with autism: A qualitative investigation of coping styles. The Journal of School Nursing, 25, (3). 222-229.
Canham, D., Mao, C.L., Yoder, M., Connolly, P., Dietz, E. (2008), Ten steps for implementation: The Omaha system and quality measurement in academic nurse managed centers. Journal of Nursing Education, 47, (3), 105-110.
Canham, D., Bauer, L., Concepcion, M., Luong, J., Peters, J., & Wilde, C. (2007). An audit of medication administration: A glimpse into school health offices. The Journal of School Nursing, 23, (1), 21-27. (Refereed for publication)
Stanley, M.J., Canham, D., Young-Cureton, V. (2006) Evaluation as part of school discipline: Assessing emotional and behavioral issues, The Journal of School Nursing, 22, (1), 40-47. (Refereed for publication)
Canham, D.L., Yoder, M., Cohen, J., & Kataoka-Yahiro, M. (2001). Increasing access to nursing services: A framework for community-based pediatric primary health care. Podium Presentation, International Congress of Nursing, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Personal Commentary
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time and relationships while at SJSU over the last 42 years in the SJSU School of Nursing, now The Valley Foundation School of Nursing. I am very grateful for the wonderful students, faculty, staff, and friends that I have had the pleasure of working with over all these years. The nursing profession is a vital part of our community, and can continue to serve the community well with dedicated faculty and staff.