Publication Date


Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Tamara McKinnon

Second Advisor

Stephen Steady

Third Advisor

Micheal Irish


fall prevention, elderly, geriatric, primary care


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury-related mortality in the geriatric population, and they are the most common cause of brain injury and hip fracture. The prevalence for falls is 30% in patients over 65 in the United States who experience a fall annually, and the prevalence in dementia patients can be up to 80% annually; the consequences of falls can include injury, reduction in mobility, depression and decreased socialization with peers (CDC, 2015). The purpose of this retrospective chart review pilot study is to examine the number of falls before and after patients come on service with Vivacitas Healthcare. Vivacitas Healthcare is a primary care service delivered in Brookdale Senior Communities, giving access to care for residents where they live. An extensive literature search was performed. The conceptual framework for this pilot study is the Chronic Care Model.

This pilot study will examine whether Vivacitas primary care services to geriatric patients through a specific set of interventions have any effect on the number of patient falls. Falls will be assessed six months after joining Vivacitas primary care service and compared with the number of falls from the previous six months with their last primary care provider.



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