Publication Date


Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Ruth Rosenblum

Second Advisor

Cynthia Campen

Third Advisor

Heather Radtke


neurofibromatosis, NF1, nursing education, pediatrics


Standardized nursing education can help equip nurses with appropriate skills needed to care for certain patient populations. Pediatric neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF1) patients have unique health needs, and often seek care at institutions where no NF1 training has been provided. The purpose of this project was to explore existing nursing NF1 knowledge and knowledge perception in a pediatric oncology infusion center within a large bay area children’s hospital, a location where nurses have varied NF1 education and have recently been asked to care for this population. Malcolm Knowles’ adult learning theory was used to design an NF1 educational tool for nurses. The educational tool serves as a standardized reference from which nurses can familiarize themselves with the genetic nature of NF1, the clinical needs of the disorder, and the NF1 nursing role. A pre- and post-test survey was used to measure nursing knowledge and nursing knowledge perception, which was administered before and after the educational tool. Findings from this research suggest that the NF1 education tool is effective in improving nursing knowledge and knowledge perceptions about the complex care needed for NF1 patients. While fulfilling the American Nurses Association genetic and genomic nursing competency requirements, this educational tool can be used to standardize NF1 nursing education in hopes to enhance nursing practice and ultimately improve NF1 patient outcomes.



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