Publication Date

Spring 2016

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Deepika Goyal

Second Advisor

Rosa Magana

Third Advisor

Radhika Kumari


Organ, Transplantation, Asian Indians


Organ donation saves many lives and gives many people a second chance at life. With over 123,000 candidates on the organ transplant list, it is crucial to increase organ awareness in an effort to increase organ allocation. The growing Asian Indian population in the United States along with low rates of organ donation in this unique cultural group provides an opportunity to explore perceptions and barriers that may exist. This study will explore the perceptions of Asian Indians regarding organ donation. Findings will provide much needed data for interventions to educate and promote organ awareness in this ethnic group. Increasing organ donation awareness and understanding barriers to organ donation will lead to better outcomes for those on the transplant list.

Included in

Other Nursing Commons



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