Publication Date

Spring 2016

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Terea Giannetta

Second Advisor

Richard Chiang


Heart failure, Emergency department, Evidence-based, Nursing, Intervention


Background: Research indicates many nurses lack the appropriate heart failure (HF) education necessary to assist with readmission reduction efforts. Employer approved nurse HF education has resulted in improved nurse HF knowledge, and, reduced readmissions.

Problem: ED nurses require a competent knowledge of heart failure to effectively educate heart failure patients upon admission to the ED. No research has been conducted with ED nurse specific populations to assess ED nurse knowledge of heart failure, and, to determine if heart failure educational interventions increase ED nurse' HF knowledge.

Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of an ED nurse b.eart failure educational intervention in improving ED nurses' knowledge of heart failure.

Methodology: A descriptive, prospective, one-group, comparative pre-test/ post-test intervention study design was used, with 24 (N=24) nurses filling out the Nurses Knowledge of Heart Failure Education Principles survey pre/post exposure to an evidenced-based heart failure educational intervention.

Results: A significant increase in overall ED nurse heart failure knowledge scores was found pre/post intervention, rising from a pre-test M=78.54 (SD=9.38) to a post-test M=90.0 (SD=9.08), p < .001, a passing score. Significant ED nurse HF knowledge gains were identified in the areas of HF medications, diet, weight, and symptom management (p < .05), with a 171% increase in nurse passing scores.



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