Using the metaverse as a digital learning tool to practice simulations in virtual parallel worlds before beginning their service-learning placement

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XII Congreso Internacional y Virtual liLETRAd 2022

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The covid19 pandemic coupled with students growing up in the digital age have increased the integration of technology in online, hybrid and classroom-based courses (eLearning). The metaverse is the next frontier in the evolution of social technology in the fields of artificial intelligence and virtual reality which is engaging to students because it represents the “things that matter” (Oblinger, 2008) and is here to stay. The application possibilities in the field of education are exciting and can provide opportunities for practical experience within the learning environment. This paper explores the possibility of using the metaverse through virtual and augmented reality as a risk-free digital tool that supports practical learning experience constituting authentic learning and effectiveness (Bombardi, 2007). The metaverse simulates credible work situations to apply the theory learnt in the classroom prior to beginning their service-learning component to decrease errors and make the service-learning experience more beneficial for both the organization and the student.


service learning, metaverse, virtual simulation, learning-by-doing, digital divide, blended learning, and active learning activities


World Languages and Literatures

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