Publication Date


Document Type

Contribution to a Book

Publication Title

English Language Teacher Education in Changing Times: Perspectives, Strategies, and New Ways of Teaching and Learning



First Page


Last Page



TESOL graduate programs in the U.S. have seen a steady decline in international and domestic student applications over the past several years. Among the possible causes of this decline are economic turmoil, changing immigration policies and politics, and broader social turbulence, issues that were present before the COVID-19 pandemic but which have been exacerbated by its persistence, forever changing education and learning. As we look forward, TESOL graduate programs must rethink, re-envision, and reconsider how they prepare teachers for a changing world. This chapter discusses ways that two well-established graduate TESOL programs have confronted the changes mentioned above, and presents and discusses several approaches they have taken, among them: adapting TESOL program content and modifying existing curricula; navigating tensions and shifts between in-person and virtual/remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic; and expanding and enriching student and professional networks to address the current flux occurring in TESOL teacher education. A primary purpose of the chapter is to outline and underline the importance of building multiple layers of programmatic, pedagogical, and personal resilience in the face of sustained unpredictability.


This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Taylor & Francis in English Language Teacher Education in Changing Times: Perspectives, Strategies, and New Ways of Teaching and Learning on27 March 2023, available online:


Linguistics and Language Development

Available for download on Friday, September 27, 2024
