OpenStack Network Acceleration Scheme for Datacenter Intelligent Applications

Publication Date

September 2018

Document Type


Publication Title

2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD)



First Page


Last Page



Cloud virtualization and multi-tenant networking provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers a new and innovative way to offer on-demand services to their customers, such as easy provisioning of new applications and better resource efficiency and scalability. However, existing data-intensive intelligent applications require more powerful processors, higher bandwidth and lower-latency networking service. In order to boost the performance of computing and networking services, as well as reduce the overhead of software virtualization, we propose a new data center network design based on OpenStack. Specifically, we map the OpenStack networking services to the hardware switch and utilize hardware-accelerated L2 switch and L3 routing to solve the software limitations, as well as achieve software-like scalability and flexibility. We design our prototype system via the Arista Software-Defined-Networking (SDN) switch and provide an automatic script which abstracts the service layer that decouples OpenStack from the physical network infrastructure, thereby providing vendor-independence. We have evaluated the performance improvement in terms of bandwidth, delay, and system resource utilization using various tools and under various Quality-of-Service (QoS) constraints. Our solution demonstrates improved cloud scaling and network efficiency via only one touch point to control all vendors' devices in the data center.
