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Saturday, January 1st
12:00 AM

50 Years of Activist Scholarship Selected Proceedings of the 2022 Meeting of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies

L Heidenreich, Washington State University
Eddy Francisco Alvarez, California State University, Fullerton
Jennifer Mata
Isabel Millán, University of Oregon

12:00 AM

1:00 AM

INTRODUCTION Deep Roots, Rich Legacies: Honoring Fifty Years of Scholar-Activism

L Heidenreich, Washington State University


1:00 AM

2:02 AM

PART ONE: Building a National Scholar-Activist Organization - Chair Welcome

Roberto D. Hernández, San Diego State University

2:02 AM

3:00 AM

Plenary Address: NACCS vs. Colorado’s Anti-GLB Amendment 2, 1992

Luis Torres

3:00 AM

4:00 AM

Plenary Address: Retrospective: Shifting and Shaping Lesbian/Queer Space within NACCS

Rusty V. Barceló

4:00 AM

5:00 AM

PART TWO: Los Relatos de la Vida: Paths to Conocimiento Chisme Save Lives: Chisme, and #MeToo as Storytelling Interventions in Sexual Violence

Amanda Tovar, University of Texas, Austin

5:00 AM

6:00 AM

Self/Other, Other/Self: Conocimiento as Pedagogical Practice

Gabriella Sanchez, Texas Woman's University
Jesus Jaime-Diaz, University of Arizona
Josie Méndez Negrete, University of Texas at San Antonio

6:00 AM

7:00 AM

Pandemic Pivoting within Academia and Activism: An Exploration of New Forms of Classroom Pedagogies and Latinx/Chicanx Scholarship

Margaret Cantu-Sanchez, Saint Mary's University of San Antonio

7:00 AM

8:00 AM

Conceptualizing Academic Putería: A Critical Reflection of the WAPS, DAPs, and Flops

Tess Pantoja Perez, University of Texas at San Antonio
Olga Estrada, University of Texas at San Antonio

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

PART THREE: A Field for the Twenty-first Century: Toward a Global and Intersectional A Scholar-Activism: The Campaign for Decent Housing: Black and Latino Coalition Building in Durham, North Carolina

Elizabeth Barahona, Northwestern University

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Toward a New Chicanidad: New Tribalism, Environmental Justice, and China

Alejandro Ollin Prado, University of California, Santa

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

NACCS Familia, Knowledge & Activismo: Contemplations from a Past Chair

Karleen M. Pendleton Jimenez, Trent University

11:00 AM