Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Relationship Among Meditation Frequency, Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, and Happiness, Emily Inlow
Online Trolling, Harassment, Misinformation: The Psychological Predictors of Dark Participation, Randy Kim
Information About a Racial Demographic Shift May Influence Tolerance for Outgroup Contact, Yvonne N. Phan
Creatine and Depression in Rodents: A Meta-Analysis, Ruchika S. Tirupachur
Relationship between Depression, Rumination, and Emotionally Valenced Working Memory Performance, Dewey Tran
The Effects of Stress on Attentional Networks, Alice Tsvinev
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Partnering With International Peers to Promote Young Children’s Social and Emotional Learning: Students’ Experiences During an International Service Learning Program, Danica D. Mavroudis
Investigating the Misinformation Effect and Physical Activity in an Online Study, Victoria C. Paoloni
Relationships Between Medical Cannabis Narratives and Beliefs, Attitudes, and Intentions About Recreational Cannabis, Sol Sanchez Pulido
Advertisement Blindness in Social Media Apps, Nora Szladovics
An Exploration of the Low Prevalence Effect During Phising Detection, Sherry J. Wei
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Influence of Happiness on the Perception of Ingroup and Outgroup Stereotypes, Diego R. Gómez
Videoconferencing and Social Anxiety, Kayla M. Gray
Gender Minority Stress and Psychological Inflexibility on Psychological Distress in Tgnc Adults, Emily Massiello
The Influence of Cultural Stigma on Perceptions of Mental Illness, Rakshitha Mohankumar
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
A Meta-Analysis of Youth Gender Prejudice Interventions, Molly Ackerman-Pulliam
The Language of the Creative Person: Validating the Use of Linguistic Analysis to Assess Creativity, Sana Tariq Ahmed
Differences In Brand-Logo Size Preferences Between Racial/Ethnic Groups, Elliot David Ansari
The Distracted Learner: Exploring the Relationship Between Media Multitasking and Online Learning, Hyong Woo Hahm
Building Multicultural Intelligence: Revisioning Stories in Popular Media to Teach Cultural Relativism, Sovannie Len
Stigma and Help-Seeking Intentions Among Asian Subethnic Groups, My Ngoc Thach Nguyen
Examining the Effects of Power Posing on Stress Reactivity and Performance, Mitzi D. Ochoa
The Relationship Between Different Forms of Exercise and ADHD Symptomatology, Matthew A. Reynolds
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Influence of Night Work on Performance during Lunar Telerobotic Operations, Zachary Luke Glaros
Inducing the Overview Effect Using Virtual Reality, Nhat Quang Le
A Meta-Analysis of fMRI Studies on Emotion Processing in Major Depressive Disorder, Madison Morocco
Disordered Eating in Gender Minority Adults: An Evaluation and Integration of the Gender Minority Stress and Resilience Model and the Tripartite Influence Model, Laura Ann Muratore
The Persuasiveness of Male Models in Advertisements and Their Effect on Body Image as Moderated by Self-Monitoring Level, Timothy John Rossomando
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Bilingual Development: Language Input at Home in Sequential Spanish-English Children, Vanessa Noemy Bermudez
A Comparative Study of the Influence of Level of Automation and Reliability of IDS Systems on Cyber Situation Awareness, Ian Anderson Cooke
The Top-Down Influences of Characteristic Sounds on Visual Search Performance in Realistic Scenes, Ghazaleh Mahzouni
The Effect of A Handshake on Psychosocial Stress, Brissa N. Ortega Jaimes
Exploring the Gamification Paradox: Why Does Improved Engagement Not Lead to Improved Performance?, Katarzyna Maria Sliwinska
The Effects of Culture and Gender Roles on the Efficacy of Social Support as a Coping Mechanism for Stress, Quy Minh Vu
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Effects of Caffeine Administered During Consolidation on Veridical and False Memory, David Amy
The Mere Presence Effect: Attentional Bias Promoted by Smartphone Presence, Maria del Pilar Bianchi Bosch
Associative Memory Performance Following Periods of Wakeful Rest and Technological Distraction, Chalise Carlson
The Effect of Automating Routine Tasks on Air Traffic Controller Conflict Detection Performance, Lauren Claudatos
The Influence of Priming on Power Posing, Ruth Cogan
Different Methods of Embodied Cognition in Pedagogy and its Effectiveness in Student Learning, Cassandra Durkee
Learning Chinese Characters and German Words Using Multimedia, Cheuk Yue Fung
Personality, Technology, and Learning, Andrew Guydish
Relationship between Aerobic Capacity and Episodic Memory in Older Adults, Nicole Henderson
Autonomy in Video Games and Gamification, Jonathan Leventhal
Minority Stress Impacts In-Group Attitudes and Reactions to Masculinity Threat of Gay Men, Erin Thomas Pereida
Personality, Motivation, and the War Between Facebook and Twitter, Elizabeth Shallal
The Effects of Eccentricity and Saliency on Visual Attention in Avionic Displays, Chad Aaron Smith
Psychological Presence in Immersive Virtual Environments, Steven L. Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Effects of Acute Stress on Multiple Object Tracking, Carlos Alberto Almeida
The Effects of Alcohol and Stress on Cognitive Performance, Erick Arambula
The Effect of Video Game Play on Human Performance: An Investigation of Cognitive Skill Transfer Mechanisms, Preston Brown
Examining a Hierarchical Linear Regression Model of Overgeneral Memory: Methodological Issues, CaR-FA-X Model Mechanisms, and Memory Encoding as Represented by Cognitive Attributional Style, Carrie Adrian Davis
The Relationship between Food Insecurity and Academic Performance among San José State University Students, Bethany Dudley
Affective and Cognitive Effects of Awe in Predicting Hopelessness and Brooding Rumination, Eldita Tarani
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Mindfulness Modulated Attention with Neurofeedback in Multiple Object Tracking, Jennifer M. Brennan
Evaluating Contradicting and Confirming Evidence: A Study on Beliefs and Motivated Reasoning, Zachary Alan Caddick
Trust and Complacency in Cyber Security, Ashley Allison Cain
The Effects of Online Course Pedagogies on Learning and Cognitive Workload, Kallan Kay Christensen
The Effects of Repeated Global Self-Adapted Testing on Online Statistics Performance, Gita Sierra Hodell
Psychopathology and Creativity Among Creative and Non-Creative Professions, Victor Kwan
Can Positive Mood or Mindfulness Interventions Increase Body Satisfaction?, Gabrielle Mary Rodgers
Cultural influences in political ideology: conservatism and vertical individualism, Cyrus Sarrafpour
The Effects of Discrete Emotions on Risky Decision Making, Hoeun Sim
Trust, Reciprocity, Fairness, and Mind Reading Under Stress, Charles Jia Yao Xie
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Using a Self-Management Project to Improve Student Performance in an Online Introductory Statistics Course, Nicholas Glenn Bathurst
Gender Differences in Stress, Alcohol Consumption, and Cigarette Use among College Students at San José State University, Thomas Farleigh
The Effects of Gender, Physical Attractiveness, and Socioeconomic Status on Initial Attraction, Sherrie Jagolino
Personality Traits and Deception Detection Ability Among College Students with Primary Psychopathic Traits, Megan Malmstrom
Sex Role Type as a Predictor of Gender Stereotype Use in the Evaluation of Others: Does Being Atypical Preclude Sex Typing of Others?, Jennifer L. Miller
Orientations to Happiness, Ethnic Identity, and Life Satisfaction among Older Adults, Hardeep K. Obhi
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Predicting Risky Sexual Behavior in College Students: Preliminary Results From the National College Health Assessment at San José State University, Gabriel Krikor Arden
Perspiration and Motivation: An Examination of Body Image and Exercise, Melissa Luu
Effects of Happiness on Gender Stereotyping in Social Perception, Eurika B. Marina
The ABC's of Being a Fan: An Operant Analysis of Sports Consumption Behavior, Sean Pradhan
Intentional Weight Loss among Healthy Women: Behavior Patterns and Psychological Concerns, Kelsea Marie Ryan
Stereotype Threat, Self-Affirmation, and Women's Statistics Performance, Blanca Tapia
Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game: Causal Attribution Differences Lead Responders to Seek For Proposer's Face, Maria Esperanza Vargas
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Funding sources of impactful and transformative research, Barrett Anderson
Effectiveness of Peer Mentoring in First-Year Program Classrooms, Katherine Casey
Psychopathy and Deception Detection, Lauren Elizabeth Castellano
Use of Stair Prompts to Encourage Physical Activity, Nima Chhay
Accent-Based Implicit Prejudice: A Novel Application of the Implicit Association Test, Carolyn Chu
The Impact of Social Dominance on Gender Biasing and Evaluations for Men and Women in Leadership Roles, Danielle Craven
Assessing the San José State University Simultaneous Polydrug Use Questionnaire -- Online (SJSU SPUQ -- Online) A Pilot Study, Joseph P. Hennessee
My Team Drinks: An Analysis of Alcohol Consumption Norms Among Adolescent Athletes, Laura Beth Jones
Ratings of Moderately and Highly Qualified Wheelchair-Bound Job Applicants in High- and Low-Information Situations, Devon Lundberg
Relationship between Cognitive Functions and Hormones, Daniel C. Miao
The Effects of Ethnicity, Compassion, and Culture on the Attribution of Guilt, Arnold E. Sanchez Ordaz
Attention Restoration Theory in Gaming as it Pertains to Subsequent Academic Learning, Joseph Daniel Zoland