Faculty Publications

Document Type


Publication Date

April 2008

Publication Title





design, human factors, interface design, mobile internet, mobile phones, navigation, user center design


Library and Information Science


We present a unique interface design for mobile devices that addresses major user pain points with deep menu systems and page scrolling. Using a series of 1-5 wheels of content, arranged in a combination-lock style on a single mobile screen, this design enables a user to consume a multitude of personalized internet and web content without ever scrolling up/down or selecting from a menu. Additionally, the wheels are easily mapped to a personalized PC experience such as those from My MSN, live.com, and myYahoo!, enabling users to access their PC content from anywhere. Results from iterative testing across US, Japan, and China show the model to be an effective and desirable mode of consuming personal and internet content on the mobile device, despite very different navigation paradigms and cultural expectations in each of the countries.


SJSU users: Use the following link to login and access the article via SJSU databases.This article was originally presented at the 2008 CHI Conference and can also be found online at this link.