Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Electrochemistry of pyrenyl iron terpyridines on glassy carbon, gold, and CNT, Hsiao-Chu Lin
A kinetic study of hydroxyl radical-catalyzed decomposition of chloroform, C. Travis Rappleye
Capillary electrochromatography for analysis of proteins and metalloproteinases, Vasudha Salgotra
Capillary LC and pressurized CEC on a hydride based stationary phase, Dipti Sukul
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Synthesis and characterization of protein bonded stationary phases for HPAC, Keerthini Manda
Normal phase chromatography with hydride-based stationary phases, Anushka Sharma
Development of amino based columns for affinity chromatography, Geeta Shetty
Synthesis and application of cellulose-based chiral stationary phases for HPLC, Bhavani Thadi Shetty
Synthesis and evaluation of a short chain alkyl stationary phase using ELSD, Jayasree Pindi Venkat
Sol-gel glass encapsulation of fish antifreeze proteins, Genet H. Zemede
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Liquid crystal bonded stationary phases for high pressure liquid chromatography, Susan M. Larrabee
Biotinylated oligonucleotides for DNA-protein methylation protection, Lorri Kay Lockyer
Functional characterization of human vitamin D receptor residues S237 and R274, Madhuri Dyapa Reddy
Synthesis of capillaries with inorganic salts for OTCEC separation, Sunandini Velpula
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Synthesis and application of steroid bonded stationary phases for HPLC & LC-MS, Lopa Dalal
X-ray absorption spectral study of metal to insulator transition in NiS₁.₃₈Se₀.₆₂, Quang Van Le
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Near infrared surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy : theoretical studies, Michelle Nga Doan
Modeling the activity of hydrogenase enzymes via transition metal catalysts, Mitra Alsadat Hosseini
Synthesis and characterization of new bonded stationary phases for HPLC, Deepika Janga
Flexibility and sequence variability in proteins, Haihong Liao
Electrochromatographic studies of select pharmaceutical compounds, Elham Moslehi
SPR imaging of potentials across metal thin films using electrochemical events, Wynn Allan Ray
Studies on the molecular recognition of the nuclear vitamin D3 receptor, Ludmila T. Stoynova
Synthesis and characterization of amino-based columns for HPLC, Radha Suryadevara
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Analysis of the vitamin D receptor residues 305 and 397 in 1,25(OH)₂D₃ binding, Alejandra Acevedo
OTCEC analyses of ipratropium bromide and PEGylated proteins, Vidhyalakshmi Krishnamoorthi
Chiral separation by RP-HPLC, Huy Tu Nguyen
Novel chiral stationary phases with multiple-interaction centers, Vandana Ramakrishnan
Spectroscopy with surface plasmons, Mondona Renee Zangeneh
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Isolation and characterization of a bromoperoxidase from Plocamium cartilagineum, Heidi Amato
The synthesis and characterization of C8 phase endcapped with AMPS for HPLC, Sophie Marwieh James
Intramolecular C-H bond activation using cobalt complexes of constrained cyclam ligands, Thoi Dang Nguyen
Synthesis and characterization of C8 bonded stationary phases for HPLC, Xiaofang Pan
Increased conductivity of fluoride glass due to mixed-valent rare-earth ions, Mischa Ann Plesha
A new approach for modification of alumina as a stationary phase for HPLC, Minggong Su
Applications of HPLC in pharmaceutical, forensic, and clinical analysis, Neerja Tiwary
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Synthesis and evaluation of capillaries for separation by CEC, Laxmi Iyer
Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystal capillaries for use in CEC, Anjali Katrekar
Modified capillaries in CEC separation of antibiotics and AFM imaging, Helen Tran
An overview of microcolumn HPLC, Wei Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Industrial organic chemistry : a review, Lana Alshvang
Exafs studies of phase transitions in high Tc cuprate superconductor, Long Hoanghuan Nguyen
Atomic force microscopy of chemically modified fused silica capillary tubes, Paul Edward Pullen
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Mixed mode CE-CEC separation using 20 [micrometer] fused silica capillaries, Sungjin Cho
Synthesis and characterization of ion exchange bonded phases for HPLC, Surekha Gangakhedkar
Supercritical fluid extraction of monoterpenes from the red alga Plocamium Cartilagineum, Donghui Gao
A review on electronic spectroscopy of perylene, Surjit Kaur
Synthesis and evaluation of etched capillaries for chiral separation by CEC, Sharel Menezes
Evaluation of columns for lipid separation with the ELSD, Chidi Obi
A comparison of techniques for calibration of non-linear electro-analytical data, Joel C. Swanson
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Capillary gel electrophoresis : a tool for DNA separation, Anupma Dubey
Synthesis and characterization of chiral stationary phases for HPLC, Pik Fong Fu
Preparation and characterization of porous polyimides, Elena Lebedeva
The preparation of a Lewis-acid bearing cyclam ligands, Quynh-Anh Nguyen
Hydrosilation of acetylene compounds for the preparation of a bonded phase in HPLC, Margaret Michelle Oliva
Characterization of etched silica column for capillary electrochromatography, Urmi Parkar
Synthesis and characterization of C-10 bonded silica surfaces for HPLC, Seema J. Prabhakaran
DNA-Protamine interactions, Sujata Singh
The synthesis of model compounds for the rearrangement of prephenic acid, Jinghua Yu
Synthesis and characherizations [sic] of endcapped C-18 stationary phases for HPLC, Raymond Jin Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Development of immunoaffinity chromatography for the separation of myosin isozymes, Sara E. Acevedo
DNA-protamine interactions, Syamala Akkaraju
Preparation of bismuth cuprate superconductor single crystal and iodine intercalated compound, Angelica Alvarado
Denaturation studies of RNase A using monohydric alcohol, Kameswari Aysola
Preparation of Anthrone and its C-10 derivatives : a literature review, William Paul Blohm
Characterization of derivatized silica surfaces by ¹H-NMR spectroscopy and ESCA, Paul Jeffrey Christensen
Synthesis of dendritic macromolecules hybrid dendritic-linear block copolymers, Archana Desai
Intermediates in the reaction of Hexafluoro-2-butyne with O atom in an Argon matrix, Supriya Jonnalagadda
Investigation of the electrochemical behavior of ketorolac, Edward Kaiser
Molecular activity prediction from voltammetric measurements, Dongqing Li
Information gain study on cyclic voltammetry, Fei Pang
Synthesis and characterization of titania based stationary phases for HPLC, Jayasri Ramakrishnan
Study of the folding-unfolding equilibrium of ribonuclease A by microcolumn techniques, Sharmila Udiavar
Synthesis of bowlic liquid crystals containing a cyclotriveratrylene core, Lanchi Phuoc Vo
Information gain study for cyclic voltammetry, Nahid Yazdani
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Thermal denaturation of RNase A in aqueous-methanol solvent in the presence of urea, Pi-ju Chen
Clinical chemistry in the high school classroom, Jennifer Ashley Gray
An overview of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, George Guan
Correlation of solvolysis rates with intrinsic medium properties, Sonya Johl
Scanning electron microscopy study of etched capillary surfaces, Mira Kaczmarek
Synthesis and characterization of chiral stationary phases on hydride surface, Shivanand Kamath
The synthesis and reactivity of an anionic zirconium complex as a methylation reagnet : K[(Ot-Bu)₃Zr(CH₃)₂], Seon-Joong Kim
Separation of proteins and polypeptides using electrochromatography, Leena Mauskar
The development of two new stationary phases for hydrophobic interaction chromatography, Robert M. Mavar
Molecular chaperones : protein folding, translocation, and assembly in the cell, Bhavna McGowan
Dissociation rate constant measurement for double stranded DNA and protamine P1, Paul A. Poenisch
Sulfmyoglobin equilibration from deutero-3-hemin reconstituted myoglobin, Anh-Tuyet T. Tran
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Investigation of the folding of aminotyrosyl derivatives of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A, Zenebe Nurga Asfir
Frequency distributions and linkage relationships of ten genetic markers in the Santa Clara County Vietnamese population, Lisa Marie Brewer
Monoclonal antibody development to a new opiate receptor, Jeffrey Fein
Solvolysis of sulfonates in ternary mixtures of ethanol, TFE, and CHCl₃ or CCl₄, Dimitra Gousi
Charge transfer-like stationary phase for high performance liquid chromatography, Valli Grandhi
Epitope mapping of anti-myosin monoclonal antibodies, Susie Grant
Interaction of the E. coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein with nucleic acids and its comparison with protamine, Shirin W. Hasan
The stabilization of ribonuclease A against urea by 2'-Cytidine monophosphate, Fang Liu
Protamine binding location on DNA, Dafna Manasseh
Acid-catalyzed intramolecular hydride shifts, Surekha Podduturi
Chemical denaturation of bovine pancreatic Ribonuclease A : monohydric alcohol-mediated denaturation, Sujatha Subbiah
A new stationary phase for reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography, Ruby W. Tam
Adamantyl silica for RP-HPLC via olefin hydrosilation on a hydride intermediate, Susan Tong