Acknowledgements | Comparative Philosophy | College of Humanities and the Arts | San Jose State University


Appreciations go to the following expert referees/reviewers who have made substantial contributions to the Journal's peer-review procedure:

Stephen C. Angle, Mohammad Azadpur, Corey Barnes, Daniel Bell, Marianna Benetatou, Roman Briggs, Lajos Brons, Karin Brown, Brian Bruya, Nirmalya Chakraborty, Tzu-li Chang, Kim-chong Chong, Noam Cook, Matthew Roe Dasti, Gordon Davis, Florian Demont-Biaggi, Xiaojun Ding, Dean Paul Dominguez, Harry Donkers, Paul Dottin, Nader El-Bizri, Raquel Ferrández-Formoso, Albert Filice, Christopher Framarin, J. M. Fritzman, Thomas Fröhlich, Yiu-ming Fung, Sergio Gallegos, Jay L. Garfield, Steven Geisz, Paul Rakita Goldin, Michael Goerger, David Grandy, Linhe Han, Peter Hadreas, Stephen Harris, Jeremy Henkel, Javier Hidalgo, Soraj Hongladarom, Chris Jochim, Richard H. Jones, Nevad Kahteran, Joseph Kaipayil, Malcolm Keating, Adrian Kreuts, Thomas Leddy, Chenyang Li, Jingjing Li, Chung-I Lin, Pengbo Liu, Yuedi Liu, Matthew LoPresti, B. Jeannie Lum, Paul MacDonald, Roopen Majithia, A.P. Martinich, Alexus McLeod, Chienkuo Mi, Ethan Mills, Hans-Georg Moeller, Adam Morton, Bo Mou, J. O'Brien, Anthony Ojimba, Mahon Martin Ovens, Stephen R. Palmquist, John J. Park, John Pittman, Graham Priest, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Daniel Raveh, Stephanie Rivera Berruz, James Dominic Rooney, Sara Rushing, Carlos Sanchez, Hagop Sarkissian, Marya Schechtman, Elizabeth Schiltz, Hennique Schneider, William Shaw, Weiming Shi, May Sim, Mark Siderits, Janet Stemwedel, Karsten J. Struhl, Esther C. Su, Wei Sun, Weimin Sun, Sor-hoon Tan, Richard Tieszen, Justin Tiwald, Anand Vaidya, Manuel Vargas, Sean D. Walsh, Robin Wang, Mario Wenning, Marshall Willman, Mary Wiseman, Yang Xiao, Zhihua Yao, Zdeněk Zacpal, Xianglong Zhang.

Note: the above aknowledgement list will be updated after a reasonable period in view of the blind-review feature for those submissions to be considered to appear as "articles" in the Journal.

Special thanks go to the following persons at San Jose State University for their substantial support and assistance in publishing this international journal:

Karl Toepfer (former Dean of College of Humanities & the Arts)
Lisa Vollendorf (former Dean of College of Humanities & the Arts)
Shannon Miller (Dean of College of Humanities & the Arts)
Ruth Kifer (former Dean of University Library)
Rita Manning (former Chair of Philosophy Department)
Peter Hadreas (former Chair of Philosophy Department)
Janet Stemwedel (Chair of Philosophy Department)
Emily K. Chan (Interim Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship, University Library)
Celia Bakke (former Digital Repository and Scholarly Communications Librarian, University Library)
Farrukh Farid (Manager of Information Technology, University Library)
Lyna Nguyen (Website and Applications Administrator, University Library)
Carrie Hwang (Institutional Repository and Digital Scholarship Coordinator, University Library)
Erika Johnson (former Institutional Repository and Digital Scholarship Coordinator, University Library)
Rosalinda Gonzales (former Institutional Repository Coordinator, University Library)
April Gilbert (former Institutional Repository Coordinator, University Library)
Jared Maruskin (Former Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics)
Jean Shiota (Lab Coordinator, Center for Faculty Development)

Thanks go to the following persons who have provided efficient and timely editorial assistance:
Albert Filice, Aron Garcia, Daniel Wagnon, Dean Paul Dominguez, Steve Yahn, Joe Glover.

Special thanks go to the following specialists at bepress Consulting Services:

Aurora Arder (MLIS)
Morgan Briles (MLIS)
Jessica Robles (MLIS)
Jennifer Pesetsky (MLIS)