The paper begins by criticizing the usual division of Latin America philosophy into three stages: founders, forgers and thecnicians. Then the history of philosophy in 20th in Mexico is narrated with the help of four maps that indicates the main positions and names. Towards the end, two kinds of lessons are drawn. The first is to promote the destruction of the vices of such a philosophy to regain its virtues. The second lesson comes from interpreting the metaphors of the previous maps: we are victims of shipwreckes living in archipielagos and thus we may explore their transitions.
Recommended Citation
PEREDA, Carlos
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31979/2151-6014(2021).120209
"Some Lessons on a Chronology of 20th Century Philosophy in Mexico,"
Comparative Philosophy: Vol. 12:
2, Article 9.
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