Chaplin, Jack W. (1919-2008)

Chaplin, Jack W. (1919-2008)

Date Updated



Division of Technology

Academic Rank


Year Retired from SJSU

1983; 1989 (FERP)

Educational Background

Stanford University, 1961 Ed.D.

Stanford University, 1952 MA

San Jose State College, 1948 BA

Sacramento Junior College, 1940 AA

Teaching Experience

San Jose State University, 1955-1983; 1983-1989 (FERP)

Western Michigan University (Visiting Professor), 1969 Summer

Fremont Union High, Sunnyvale, CA, 1948-1955

Administrative and Professional Experience

High Speed Machining, Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Sunnyvale, 1980.

Illumitronic Engineering‑Production, 1952.

McClellan Air Field, Electrical Instrument Mechanic, 1940.

Selected Publications

Summary of recent Lockheed research re: High‑Speed Machining. Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1981, S.M.E. Manufacturing Engineering Transactions. 8th NAMRC, North American Manufacturing Research Conference Proceedings, Pages 311‑317.

Yearbook: Technology and Society: Interfaces with Industrial Arts. Chapter 2, "Role of Technology in Solving Societal Problems." Pages 43‑70. American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 29th Yearbook, 1980.

Yearbook: The Research process: Chapter 2 American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education, Classroom Research, Thirteenth Year book 1964.

"A Theory for Experimental Research in Industrial Education Curriculum Development," Journal of Industrial Education, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1964.

Monograph: A National Status Study of Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 1974.

Module: Paths to the Present: Medieval Trade, Technology and Quality of Life and the Fruits of Technology: The Great Exhibition of 1851.

Metal Manufacturing Technology, McKnight & McKnight, 1976 (Text).

Instrumentation and Automation for Manufacturing, Delmar, 1992 (Text).

Personal Commentary

In a small town Antioch, California, I graduated from elementary and secondary in 1937. During summers, I worked in a sand pit loading railroad cars and barges. I graduated with a degree in Mining Technology from Sacramento Jr. College and enrolled at SJSU in 1940. Then WWII broke out and so I joined the Aviation Cadet Program of the Air Corps. It was nearly four years before I came back to San Jose State to finish my degree. I had traveled through the Atlantic states, Midwest, Iwo Jima and the Philippines and had married my wife.

Later I taught grades 9‑12, Industrial Arts Metals, for seven years. During this time, I completed a Master degree and an Administration Credential from Stanford. In 1955, I was selected to join the faculty of San Jose State.

My sabbatical leave was concerned with the study of the History of Technology. We drove and camped throughout Europe. For the winter months, we lived in Maidenhead, England, and I was a visiting professor at the Imperial College at London, Department of History of Science and Technology. I later visited industries and technical colleges throughout Europe and the Eastern United States.

After retirement, we were able to travel to New Zealand, Australia, twice again to Europe and to Hawaii several times and throughout the U.S. and Canada.

We raised five children and were delighted when each completed college degrees: our oldest son - B.S. Stanford, Ph.D. Cornell; our oldest daughter - B.A. U. C. Davis, M. A. U.C.LA.; our youngest daughter -B.A. Chico State; our middle son - B.S. Berkeley, M.S. San Jose State; our youngest son - B.A. U.C. Davis. Each is married and has children.

Date Completed: 7/96

Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.


Chaplin, Jack W. (1919-2008)
