Galm, John (1934-2001)

Galm, John (1934-2001)

Date Updated




Academic Rank


Year Retired from SJSU


Educational Background

Yale, 1962 Ph.D.

St. Johns University, 1955 BA

Teaching Experience

San Jose State University, 1962 -1994

Selected Publications

Books: Sydney's Arcadia Poems; and Songs of Bernart de Ventadom, Translation from Provencal.

Assorted articles and poems.

Personal Commentary

Served as Chair of English Department, 1975‑1984.

Served as Chair of Academic Senate, 1990‑1991.

Member, two search committees for President.

Chair, Search Committee for AAVP for Undergraduate Studies.

Chair, Search Committee for Provost of New College.

Member, Review Committee for AVP.

Member, Monterey Campus Curriculum Liaison Committee.

Founding Member, Board of Trustees, San Jose Studies.

Secretary, Vice‑President, President, American Federation of Teachers, Local 1362.

Member, Board of General Studies.

Teaching Areas:

English: Early English Literature, Poetry, Shakespeare, Writing. New College tutorials in Letters and Science.



Sybil Weir (d. June 1994). Professor of English and AAVP for Faculty Affairs, SJSU; Dean of Arts and Letters, Southwest Missouri State University.


Daughter: BA, History, UC Berkeley, graduate work in Education and Social Work, Fall 1997.

Son: BA History, UC Berkeley, Law School, Fall 1997.

Date Completed: 9/96

Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.


Galm, John (1934-2001)
