Loewer, Robert (1926-2009)
Date Updated
Marketing & Quantitative Studies
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
Educational Background
Stanford Univ., Grad. School of Business, 1965 Ph.D.
Univ. of Buffalo, School of Education, 1955 Ed.M.
Univ. of Buffalo, School of Bus. Admin., 1950 BS
Teaching Experience
San Jose State University, 1961-1989
S.U.N.Y., Ag. & Tech. Inst., Alfred, NY, 1954 -1958
Administrative and Professional Experience
Various retail and service industry positions.
Selected Publications
Nothing recent.
Personal Commentary
When Alec Triandafyllides and I arrived on the Campus in the fall of 1961, we were assigned to desks in Ted Sielaff s office in Tower Hall #29 overlooking the Chapel. Ted was a great help to the two new members of the Business Division faculty. We stayed in this office until Spring Break of 1963 when, to my surprise on trying to visit my office, I found instead that the building was condemned‑‑not earthquake safe.
We were banished to the fourth floor of the new Education Building (not yet named for Bill Sweeney).
My next move was to the very old "Building O" on the north side of San Carlos Street just east of Seventh Street in 1970. Dean Mel Wright and the School of Business had been moved here after the condemnation of Tower Hall. Here, and subsequently after moving to the new Business Tower in 1972, I served under Mel as his Associate Dean for Graduate Programs. In the new building I was given an office on the ninth floor where I remained until retirement.
These things I remember with various emotions: contact with over 5,000 students, some with fondness remembered, through traffic on Seventh and Ninth Streets, new structures on Campus (Education and Business Buildings, garages, Student Union, Clark library, Science Building, Events Center, "Waffle Tower," to name a few). Over the years I was moved to tear gas in the 1960s, speeches by Bishop Pike, Justice William Douglas, Margaret Mead, among others. We witnessed the burying of a brand new Ford car where the rose garden subsequently bloomed. We were attracted to Buckminster Fuller's geodesic dome on Seventh Street. We were moved by the spontaneous demonstration after the assassination of Martin Luther King. We heard speeches by various Presidential candidates.
Over 28 years I hope I've had some positive influence on the students with whom I've come into contact. I feel I was a positive force in attaining the Accreditation of the Graduate Programs of the School of Business, and feel that I was a positive force in the attainment of higher standards in the University Graduate Programs during the years I was involved with them, both through the University Graduate Studies Committee and as Associate Dean of the University Graduate Office.
Date Completed: 6/96
Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.