Adams, Mike (1943-2024)

Adams, Mike (1943-2024)

Date Updated



Radio, Television, and Film

Academic Rank

Professor Emeritus

Year Retired from SJSU


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Mike Adams

Educational Background

Ohio State University, 1974 MA

Ohio State University, 1973 BA

Teaching Experience

San Jose State University, 1989-2013

Adams has taught photography and history of broadcasting at the Shanghai Theatre Academy School of Television and Film.

Administrative and Professional Experience

Department chair and the Associate Dean of the College of Humanities and the Arts.


Mike is the Board Chair of the California Historical Radio Society, CHRS. For his service to historical radio research and publication he received the AWA (Antique Wireless Association) Houck Award, the SCARS (Southern California Historical Radio Society) President’s Award, the TCA (Tube Collectors of America) Stokes Award, the RCA (Radio Club of America) Ralph Batcher Award, and he was named a CHRS History Fellow.

Selected Publications

He has published numerous articles and six books, including:

Lee de Forest, King of Radio, Television and Film, Springer Science, 2012,

The Radio Boys and Girls: Radio, Telegraph, Telephone and Wireless Adventures for Juvenile Readers, 1890-1945, McFarland Press, 2015,

Columbus Radio, Arcadia, 2016.

As a researcher and writer of broadcast and early technology history, he created two award-winning documentaries for PBS, the Emmy-nominated “Radio Collector,” and “Broadcasting’s Forgotten Father.”


Adams, Mike (1943-2024)
