Fallon, Michael

Fallon, Michael

Date Updated



Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, College Of Social Sciences; Undergraduate Studies

Academic Rank

Lecturer Emeritus

Year Retired from SJSU


Educational Background

University Of San Francisco, Education-Organization-Leadership, 1985 M.A.

San Jose State University, Teaching & Administrative Credential, 1975

University Of Notre Dame, Sociology & Education, 1973 B.A.

Teaching Experience

San Jose State University, Sociology, 2002-2013

Mission College, Sociology, 1997-2002

Administrative and Professional Experience

San Jose State University, Undergraduate Studies, Center For Community Learning & Leadership, Director, 2002-2017

Selected Publications

Fallon, Michael James. (2022). Ulysses Abridged ~ A Shorter Journey through James Joyce's Masterpiece: Chapbook Press.

Hossfeld, L.; Kelly, E.B.; Hossfeld, C. (2021). The Routledge International Handbook of Public Sociology: The virtue of teaching public sociology in the neoliberal university, by Tolich, M.; Fallon, M.: Routledge.

Moore, K.; Fallon, M.J. (2015). Hail Mary Pass: into the end zone with the 49ers in Levi's Stadium. Santa Clara, CA: Moore & Moore.

Michael Fallon. Kevin Moore's HAIL MARY PASS - Into the End Zone with the 49ERS in Levi's Stadium. (2014) https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/faculty_books/109/

Fallon, M.J. (1997). The Definitive St. Patrick’s Day Festivity Book: Educare

Personal Commentary

Michael Fallon, San Jose State University, retired as Lecturer Emeritus, College of Social Sciences, in 2017. While lecturing Sociology and Interdisciplinary Studies, he helped establish the Center for Community Learning & Leadership, and over 15 years, rose to Director. Michael was responsible in part for the creation of several community-based programs, most notably CommUniverCity-San Jose, and the Community Collaborative on Homelessness. Of the various courses he taught, Michael’s contribution to the development of the Sociology Career Capstone course is most salient. Through this Capstone course, students helped establish what is now the Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful organization, a multi-focused program of environmental sustainability around Coyote Creek. Michael enjoyed strong professional relationships with many colleagues and personnel across campus; and greatly valued his educational relationship with students. He continues to practice meditation with the SJSU Zen Sangha. His hobbies are largely sports, notably horse racing!

In 2022, Michael completed an endeavor that stretched over ten years in abridging (redacting) James Joyce's 768 page masterpiece, ULYSSES. His rendition of this classic of a day in the life of Leopold Bloom in 20th century Dublin pares Joyce's tome by a third, leaving the original storyline, characters, motifs and Joycean prose in tact, and incorporates the framework of parallel to Homer's Odyssey, an overview of plot and a summary of themes of each of the 18 episodes.

Michael was invited by the San Francisco United Irish Cultural Center to delineate his undertaking and present comparisons of his abridgement to the original in February 2023. He has since presented there the annual Bloomsday June 16 events in 2023 and 2024. Michael is now creating a new presentation: Ulysses Meets Sgt. Peppers, matching selected episode passages with songs from this 1967 classic album of The Beatles.

In 2015, Michael Fallon undertook the task of co-writing and directing the publication of former student Kevin Moore's behind-the-scenes story of his dream and journey to bring a professional sports team to his hometown of Santa Clara, CA. Becoming a SC Councilman, Kevin led the charge that ultimately brought the San Francisco 49ers to their new home, Levi's Stadium, in the Mission City of Santa Clara. Their joint effort produced the book: Kevin Moore's HAIL MARY PASS - Into the End Zone with the 49ERS in Levi's Stadium.

Michael's 1997 The Definitive St. Patrick's Day Festivity Book ~ Enhance the Celebration of the Irish in Us All continues to sell a few copies every March 17.


Fallon, Michael
