Fountain, Anne O.

Fountain, Anne O.

Date Updated



World Languages and Literatures

Academic Rank

Professor Emerita

Year Retired from SJSU


Educational Background

B.A. "With Honors" in Spanish, Indiana University, 1966

M.A. in Spanish, Indiana University, 1968

Ph.D. in Spanish, Columbia University, 1973

Graduate Area Certificate, Latin American Studies, Columbia University, School of International Affairs, 1973

Teaching Experience

William Peace University, 1972 -2002

Meredith College, 1979-80

Morelia, Mexico, for University of Southern Mississippi, summer 1996

University of Southern Mississippi, summer 1997, 1998, 2000 and 2003

University of South Florida (Cuban Studies), summer 2001

San José State University, 2002-2016

University of Florida (Spanish and Latin American Studies), Spring 2014

Administrative and Professional Experience

SJSU, Acting Chair, World Languages and Literatures Oct. 17, 2011–May 31, 2012

SJSU, Interim Chair, Television, Radio, Film and Theatre August 2009-August 2010

SJSU, WLL Coordinator, Spanish & Latin American Studies, Fall 2005-Fall 2009 & Fall 2010–Fall 2011

President, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), 2016

President, Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies (SECOLAS), 1993-94

Chair (now called President), Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT), 1995-96


I have loved teaching and serving SJSU students, securing scholarships and funding for them, being a McNair Scholars mentor seven times from 2004- 2012, and keeping in touch with many students after they graduate.

Selected Publications


Anne Fountain. Indigenous America in the Spanish Language Classroom. (2023)


Ramona: Novela Americana by Helen Hunt Jackson,translated into Spanish by José Martí. Critical edition and introd., Jonathan Alcántar and Anne Fountain. (2018)

Anne Fountain. José Martí, the United States, and Race. (2014); paperback edition 2017

Anne Fountain. Versos Sencillos by José Martí, A Translation. (2012)

Disconnect/ Desencuentro (English/Spanish edition of stories by Nancy Alonso) Trans. Anne Fountain (2012)

Closed for Repairs, Trans. of Cerrado por Reparación by Nancy Alonso (2007)

Cuba on the Edge (An anthology of Cuban short fiction) co-edited (2007)

Anne Fountain. Review of Contemporary Fiction: New Cuban Fiction. co-edited. Champaign(2006)

José Martí. Versos Sencillos: A Dual Language Edition. Trans. Anne Fountain (2005)

Anne Fountain. José Martí and U. S. Writers. Gainesville (2003)


Anne O Fountain. "Introducing Nancy Alonso" Executive Producer/ Producer, Cinematographer/ Camera is Roberto Mena. (2017)

Anne Fountain. "Jose Marti, the United States, and Race" (2017)

Anne Fountain. "CLAS Lecture Series with Professor Anne Fountain: “José Martí: Writing About Race”" (2014)


Anne O Fountain. "José Martí: The World's Most Popular Poetry, and a Vision for the Americas" A Companion to World Literature Vol. 5 (2019)

“Teaching the Latin American Emerson" in Approaches to Teaching the Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 2018.

“Martí and Emerson: Close Reading, Context, and Translation” in Syncing the Americas: José Martí and the New Modernity. 2017.

“Challenging Assumptions in a Spanish American Culture and Civilization Class,” in Fostering Culture through Film, 2016.

Anne Fountain. "Preface" The Influence of Emerson and Whitman on the Cuban Poet José Martí: Themes of Immigration, Colonialism, and Independence (2010)

“Autores estadounidenses asumidos por Martí” (U.S. authors profiled by Martí) in Norteamericanos: Apóstoles, poetas, bandidos, 2009.

Anne Fountain and Catherine Fountain. "A New Look at Translation: Teaching tools for language and literature" Empowerment through Collaboration: Dimension 2009 (2009): 1-15.

Anne Fountain and Catherine Fountain. "Maya and Nahuatl in the Teaching of Spanish" From Practice to Profession: Dimension 2007 (2007)

Anne Fountain. "Translations from Versos sencillos" 2ndA History of Modern Latin America (2005)

Anne Fountain. ""This time listen to what I say", translations of stories" Buffalo Open Your Eyes and Soar: Cuban Women Writing Now (2003)

Anne Fountain. "Autores estadounidenses asumidos por Martí” in En los Estados Unidos: periodismo de 1881 a 1892/ José Martí; edición crítica, Colección Archivos 43. (2003)

Anne Fountain. "Selected translations from Martí's Versos Sencillos" The New Anthology of American Poetry (Vol I: Traditions and Revolutions, Beginnings to 1900 (2003)

Anne Fountain. It's a good thing” and “This time listen to what I say,” translations of stories by Marilyn Bobes, Open your Eyes and Soar: Cuban Women Writing Now. (2003)

Anne Fountain. "Sequential Foreign Language Programs: Articulating Language and Literature,” Foreign Language Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects. (2001)

Anne Fountain and Clara Krug. "Academic Alliances and Articulation: Communicating Across Educational Sectors," Connections Beyond the Foreign Language Classroom: Dimension 99 (1999)

“Questions of race and gender: Evangelina Cisneros and the Spanish-Cuban-American War,” in Annals: Latin America: Approaching the Millennium, 1999.

Anne Fountain. "Strategies for K-8 Programs: Advocating through professional organizations" Critical Issues in Early Second Language Learning (1998)

Anne Fountain. "Foreign Language Departments At Two-Year Schools: The Issues Before Us" Managing the Foreign Language Department: A Chairperson's Primer. So. Conf. on Language Teaching (1993)

Anne Fountain. "Ralph Waldo Emerson and Helen Hunt Jackson in La Edad de Oro" Annals: Inter- Americanism: Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations (1991)

Anne Fountain. "Promises, Promises: Polish Immigration to Brazil, 1871-1939" Annals: Regionalism & Nationalism in Latin Amer.: Legacies of the Past, Directions for the Future (1988)

Anne Fountain. "Venereal Disease and the Gracioso: A Look at Moreto's El desdén con el desdén" Essays on Comedy and the Gracioso in Plays by Augustín Moreto (1986)

Anne Fountain. "Venereal Disease and the Gracioso: A Look at Moreto's El desdén con el desdén" Bulletin of the Comediantes (1977)


Anne O. Fountain. "Native American Influencers" Language Magazine AATSP Supplement (2024)

Anne O Fountain. "[Review of] Juliet of the Tropics by John Maddox" Hispania (2018) p. 209 ISSN: 0018-2133

“Aliados y ejemplos para los estudios chicanos en la nueva era global” (A rejoinder ) in Hispania, special centenary volume, 2017.

Anne O Fountain. "[Review of] Cuban Underground Hip Hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity" The Americas Vol. 74 Iss. 3 (2017) p. 401 - 403 ISSN: 1557-2021

Anne Fountain. "[Review of] Jose Marti and the Global Origins of Cuban Independence" Hispanic American Historical Review (2017): 553-555.

Anne Fountain. "'Las toman donde las hallan!': Once textos inéditos de José Martí El Economista Americano en México: Crónicas desconocidas de José Martí El poeta en el mercado de Nueva York" The Latin Americanist Vol. 60 Iss. 4 (2016) p. 582 - 586 ISSN: 1557-203X

Anne Fountain. "Using film to challenge assumptions in a Spanish American culture and civilization class," Fostering Culture through Film: A Resource for Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultural Studies (2016)

Anne Fountain. "Review of José Martí, Cuban Apostle: A Dialogue. By Cintio Vitier and Daisaku Ikeda" The Latin Americanist Vol. 59 Iss. 3 (2015)

Anne Fountain. "Emilo Bejel’s José Martí: Images of Memory and Mourning" The Americas Vol. 70 Iss. 1 (2013)

“Martí, Emerson y la naturaleza,” Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos # 35, 2012.

Anne Fountain. "Review of Ernesto Cardenal’s Pluriverse: New and selected Poems (edited by Jonathan Cohen)" Translation Review Vol. 81 Iss. 1 (2011)

“Teaching Translations of Translations,” Translation Review (Fall 2010) (Published fall 2011)

Anne Fountain. "El humor en los tiempos de cólera: the stories of Nancy Alonso" Cuba Absolutely (2008)

Anne O Fountain. "Advocating for Languages - Lessons Learned" Enlace Online Vol. 22 Iss. 1 (2007)

Anne Fountain. "Book Review of The First and Second Declarations of Havana" The Latin Americanist Vol. 52 Iss. 3 (2007)

Anne Fountain and Catherine Fountain. "Maya and Nahuatl in the Teaching of Spanish" From Practice to Profession: Dimension 2007 (2007): 63-77.

Anne Fountain. "El periodismo martiano y los abolicionistas de Estados Unidos,” (José Martí and the U.S Abolition Movement)" La Nueva Revista Venezolana Vol. 2 Iss. 3 (2006)

Anne Fountain. ""To offer my heart” (A trans. of “Ofrecer mi corazón” by Nancy Alonso)" Words Without Borders (The Online Magazine for International Literature (2006)

Anne Fountain. "A Research Exercise for Students of Literature" published electronically (Center for Faculty Development & Support at San José State University) (2006)

Anne Fountain. "Book review of Che's Chevrolet, Fidel's Oldsmobile: On the Road in Cuba, by Richard Schweid" The Latin Americanist Vol. 49 Iss. 1 (2005)

Anne Fountain. "Martí, Emerson y la naturaleza" Memorias: Coloquio International José Martí - Por Una Cultura de la Naturaleza, CD-ROM, a refereed collection published by Proyecto José Martí de Solidaridad Mundial and Oficina UNESCO de La Habana, and Sociedad Cultural José Martí (2005)

Anne Fountain. "Translation of “La niña de Guatemala” in "Francisco Goldman interview by Esther Allen"" Bomb Magazine Iss. 88 (2004)

Anne Fountain. "SECOLAS at 50: Imagining the future" South Eastern Latin Americanist (2003) ISSN: 0049-1527

Anne Fountain. "Book review of A History of Modern Latin America by Lawerence A. Clayton and Michael L. Conniff" Southeastern Latin Americanist (2002)

Anne Fountain. "Developing a Program for Heritage Learners in a Small Liberal Arts Setting" ADFL Bulletin Vol. 32 Iss. 1 (2001)

Anne Fountain. "President Julio Roca and the Welsh Communities of Patagonia" Southeastern Latin Americanist (1999)

Anne Fountain. "President Julio Roca and the Welsh Communities of Patagonia" South Eastern Latin Americanist Vol. 43 Iss. 1-2 (1999) p. 1 - 11 ISSN: 0049-1527

Anne Fountain. "Questions of Race and Gender: Evangelina Cisneros and the Spanish-Cuban-American War" SECOLAS Annals Vol. 11 Iss. 1 (1999) p. 36 - 43 ISSN: 0081-2951

Anne Fountain. "Articulating Literature: Concerns and Considerations" Hispania Vol. 79 Iss. 3 (1996)

Anne Fountain. "Book review of Texts and contexts of Idea Vilariño’s Poetry by Judy Berry-Bravo," Southeastern Latin Americanist (1996)

Anne Fountain. "Articulation for the 90s: K-College" Catalyst (1991)

Anne Fountain. "Ralph Waldo Emerson and Helen Hunt Jackson in La Edad de Oro" SECOLAS Annals Vol. 22 (1991) p. 44 - 50 ISSN: 0081-2951

Anne Fountain. "Martí and Foner, a review essay" Southeastern Latin Americanist Vol. XXXIV Iss. 3 (1990)

Anne Fountain. "Promises, Promises: Polish Immigration to Brazil, 1871-1939" SECOLAS Annals Vol. 19 (1988) p. 29 - 36 ISSN: 0081-2951

Anne Fountain. "Venereal Disease and the Gracioso: A Look at Moreto's El desdén con el desdén" Bulletin of the Comediantes (1977)

Popular Press

Nancy Alonso and Anne Fountain. "Cappuccino for Three" Your Impossible Voice Iss. 10 (2016)

Marilyn Bobes and Anne Fountain. "Like White Elephants Revisited" Your Impossible Voice Iss. 10 (2016)


Nancy Alonso and Anne Fountain. "Cappuccino for Three" Your Impossible Voice Iss. 10 (2016)

Marilyn Bobes and Anne Fountain. "Like White Elephants Revisited" Your Impossible Voice Iss. 10 (2016)

Personal Commentary

My research fields are Latin American Literature, Latin American Studies, and the Hispanic literature of the United States. I specialize on Cuba and my primary research interests are contemporary Cuban literature and culture and José Martí (poetry, essays, and translations). I am also a literary translator and am currently working on translations of Cuban fiction and a book on how to teach José Martí’s poetry. In retirement, I continue to write and do consulting and am both consultant and guest professor for a National Endowment for the Humanities Institute for college/university faculty members for summer 2019. I am the recipient of teaching awards from national, regional, and state organizations: California Language Teachers Association, 2009; Southern Conference on Language Teaching, 1998; and American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, 1994.

Cuba connections at SJSU - I organized and led SJSU’s first study abroad to Cuba in January 2003 and then two subsequent faculty-led programs to Cuba in summer 2004 and summer 2005. I led Cuba travel for SJSU faculty in 2011 and 2013, and have sponsored visits by six Cuban authors to SJSU.

A plaque honoring Luis Valdez - As Department Chair of Television, Radio, Film and Theatre (TRFT) for 2009-2010, I initiated and saw through to completion the placement of a plaque at the Hal Todd Theatre (in Hugh Gillis Hall on the SJSU campus) honoring Latino playwright, Luis Valdez . Valdez is an SJSU graduate whose first feature-length play was at the Hal Todd Theatre. The plaque was unveiled, with Luis Valdez present for the event, in May 2010.

Creator of “Isabel Allende Day” at SJSU on November 27, 2012. Campus wide celebrations included: A conmemorative brochure, Library exhibits, Bookstore exhibits, Animated film trailers for Allende’s book, The City of the Beasts, a gala Luncheon, a theatre production of her short story “Tosca,” and an Awards ceremony and presentation plus Q&A with the author, followed by book signing. In addition, the City of San Jose conferred honors at City Hall and the day included press and T.V. coverage. [I initiated this idea, invited Isabel Allende, (in May 2011), got this date on her calendar, organized all campus activities promoted press coverage, got DVD tributes from WLL students made and delivered to the author, and arranged for the City of San Jose to honor Isabel Allende at a ceremony in City Hall. In connection with this event, Allende donated books from her personal library to SJSU. This collection resides in Special Collections in the King Library.

Service to UNESCO - I was appointed in fall 2012 to the panel of judges for UNESCO’s José Martí Prize representing North America in the jury of worldwide representatives: one from Africa, one from North America, one from Europe, and two from Latin America and the Caribbean. The purpose of the UNESCO International José Martí Prize is to promote and reward an activity of outstanding merit in accordance with the ideals and spirit of José Martí. The term of service is six years.

In my endeavors at San José State I was aided by marvelous colleagues. Mike Conniff, David Kahn and Blanca Smith all offered indispensable help with Isabel Allende Day, and David Kahn helped make the plaque for Luis Valdez a reality. Mike Conniff secured funding for numerous programs in World Languages and Literatures, and Blanca Smith gave support for countless activities and outreach efforts in the Spanish Program.


Fountain, Anne O.
