Anagnos, Thalia
Date Updated
Civil & Environmental Engineering/Interdisciplinary Engineering, College of Engineering
Academic Rank
Year Retired from SJSU
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Educational Background
Stanford University, Civil Engineering, PhD 1985
Stanford University, Civil Engineering, MS 1979
University of California San Diego, Applied Mechanics, BA Summa Cum Laude 1978
Dissertation Title
A Stochastic Earthquake Recurrence Model with Temporal and Spatial Dependence
Teaching Experience
San José State University, Civil & Environmental Engineering/Interdisciplinary Engineering, Professor, 1993-2015
San José State University, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor 1988-1993
University of Western Australia, Civil Engineering, Visiting Professor (sabbatical), 1991
San José State University, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Assistant Professor 1984-1988
Administrative and Professional Experience
San José State University, Vice Provost Undergraduate Education, 2019-2023
San José State University, Associate Vice President Graduate and Undergraduate Programs, 2015-2019
NSF Grand Challenge, Mitigation of Collapse Risk in Vulnerable Concrete Buildings, Co-PI, 2002-2013
NEES Operations, Co-PI and Co-Director of Education, Outreach & Training, 2009-2014
San José State University, Director of Assessment, 2000-2007
San José State University, Chair, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 1992-2000
National Institute of Building Sciences, State of the Art of Loss Estimation and Development of a Standardized Earthquake Loss Estimation Methodology, Assistant Project Manager, 1993-1998
United States Geological Survey, Visiting Scholar, 1989
University (selected service)
Campus Reading Committee, 2011-2023
Expanding Your Horizons Conference, Organizing Committee, 1985-2010
Silicon Valley Women in Engineering Conference, Organizing Committee, 2016 to present
Society of Women Engineers Student Chapter Advisor, 1985-1990
Institutional Review Board, 2010-2014
Board of Academic Freedom and Professional Responsibility, 2009-2013
Academic Integrity Advisory Board 2007-2010
Program Planning Committee 2000-2006, 2015-2023
Assessment Committee, 2001-2006
MUSE Development Committee, 2001-2004
WASC Steering Committee, 2000-2004, 2015-2023
University Academic Roundtable,1995-1998
CFA Liaison on University Council of Chairs, 1995-1998
American Society of Civil Engineers
- Vice President San Jose Branch, 1999
- President San Jose Branch, 2000
- Director San Francisco Section, 2001
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Member, 1982-present
- Board Member 1999-2002, 2008-2010
- Newsletter Editor 2002-2005
- President 2006-2008
- Lead, Learning from Earthquakes Travel Study Program, 2016-present
- Co-Chair Oral History Committee, 2023 – present
Earthquake Spectra, Editorial Board, 2000-2006
International Association of Earthquake Engineering, USA National Delegate, 2007-2010
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Institutional Board, 1997-2008
University of California, San Diego, NHERI Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table, Advisory Board, 2023-present
Sigma Xi Honor Society, Member
Structural Engineers Association of Northern California, Member
Society of Women Engineers, Member
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Member
Honors and Awards
- 2013 Applied Materials Award for Excellence in Teaching – College of Engineering, San José State University
- 2012 San José State University Outstanding Professor
- 2012 Woody Everett Best Poster Award, American Society of Engineering Education
- 1991 Distinguished Alumnus, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University
- 1990 College of Engineering Outstanding Teacher Award, San Jose State University
Selected Publications
Dr. Anagnos has published more than 90 books, articles, and reports. For a comprehensive list, visit https://www.sjsu.edu/people/thalia.anagnos or consult attached Publications list.
Books & Technical Reports
- Sheppard, S. D., Anagnos T. & Billington, S. (2017). Engineering Mechanics – Statics: Modeling and Analyzing Systems in Equilibrium, online edition. Wiley, New York.
- Reitherman, R. Anagnos, T., & Meluch, W. (2008). Building Bridges between Civil Engineers and Science Museums, Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE), Richmond, CA.
- HAZUS97: Technical Manual. (1997) National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington DC, NIBS Document numbers 5201, 5202 and 5203
- Anagnos, T. (2004 & 1996). Reactions (Chapter 4). The Engineering Handbook, 2nd Edition, Richard C. Dorf, ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: A Handbook (1988), Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA-154).
- Marek, P., Gustar, M., & Anagnos, T. (1995). Simulation Based Reliability Assessment for Structural Engineers, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Anagnos, T., Comerio, M. C., & Stewart, J. P. (2016). Earthquake Loss Estimates and Policy Implications for Nonductile Concrete Buildings in Los Angeles. Earthquake Spectra, 32(4), 1951-1973. Available at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/faculty_rsca/4480/
- Anagnos, T., Lyman-Holt, A., Marin, C., Momsen, E. (2014). Impact of Engineering Ambassador Programs on Student Development, J. STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 15(3). Available at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/faculty_rsca/4479/
- Anagnos, T., Comerio, M. C., Goulet, C., May, P. J., Greene, M., McCormick, D. L., & Bonowitz, D., (2012). Developing Regional Building Inventories: Lessons from the Field, Earthquake Spectra, 28:4, 1305-1329. Available at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/faculty_rsca/4478/
- Linsdell, J., & Anagnos, T. (2011) Motivating Technical Writing through Study of the Environment, J. Professional Issues in Eng. Ed. and Practice, ASCE, V137, 20-27. Available at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/gen_eng_pub/1/
- Anagnos, T., Conry, B., Guenter, S., Snell, J., & Von Till, B. (2008) Building Sustainable Assessment: One University’s Experience, Assessment Update, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., V20/6, 5-8. https://doi.org/10.1002/au.206
- Marek, P., Gustar, M., & Anagnos, T. (1999). Codified Design of Steel Structures using Monte Carlo Techniques, Journal Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier reference: JCSR 1868, V52/1, 69-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0143-974X(99)00014-0
- Whitman, R., Anagnos, T., Kircher, C., Schneider, P. Lagorio, H., & R. S. Lawson (1997). Development of a National Earthquake Loss Estimation Methodology, Earthquake Spectra, 13/4, 643-661. https://doi.org/10.1193/1.1585973
- Fitzgerald, T.F., Anagnos, T., Goodson, M., & T. Zsutty (1989). Slotted Bolted Connections in Aseismic Design for Concentrically Braced Connections, Earthquake Spectra, V5, No. 2, 383-391. https://doi.org/10.1193/1.1585528
- Anagnos, T., & A.S. Kiremidjian (1988). A Review of Earthquake Occurrence Models for Seismic Hazard Analysis, Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, V3, 3-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/0266-8920(88)90002-1
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Personal Commentary
My 38 years at San José State were filled with a perfect mix of teaching, creative activity and service to both the university and the professional community. I have directed my professional energy to four passions: 1) educational innovation and effectiveness, 2) student success, 3) underrepresented students in STEM (particularly women), and 4) earthquake risk mitigation. The most satisfying projects have been those where several of these passions intersect.
I have loved the opportunity to introduce innovative pedagogy into the classroom in an effort to provide top notch educational experiences to our eager and highly motivated students. I am proud that so many of our graduates have become leaders in the engineering community in Silicon Valley and beyond. As a woman in a predominantly male field, I take pride in working to encourage more women to pursue STEM fields and to serve as a mentor to students and young faculty. I was really moved when I was given the SJSU Outstanding Professor Award in AY 2011/12 to recognize my contributions.
I am strongly committed to helping reduce damage and losses from future earthquakes through both research and outreach activities. SJSU gave me the encouragement and the space to serve as PI or Co-PI on more than $106 million in funding. I was a Co-PI and Assistant Project Manager for the development of HAZUS, a nationally-standardized risk modeling methodology and GIS-based software platform that is now used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to estimate risk and losses from earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and floods. Perhaps one of the most satisfying projects was an NSF Grand Challenge to mitigate the risk of collapse in older concrete buildings subjected to earthquake shaking. That project was instrumental to the City of Los Angeles passing an ordinance to evaluate and retrofit these vulnerable structures, which will save lives and reduce damage and losses in future earthquakes.
Finally, I have to say my colleagues (staff, faculty and administrators) have been amazing. They made every day a pleasure. Thank you SJSU for all you gave me.