Toepfer, Karl Eric
Date Updated
Television, Radio, Film, and Theater
Academic Rank
Emeritus Professor
Year Retired from SJSU
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Educational Background
University of California Los Angeles, 1970, BA, Film Production, School of Film, Television, and Theater
San Jose State University, 1978, Master of Arts, Theater Arts
University of California Los Angeles, 1983, PhD, Theater Arts
Dissertation Title
Ideology Impersonated
Teaching Experience
33 years
Administrative and Professional Experience
11 years
Innumerable Committees, Board of General Studies, Writing Requirements, etc. etc., etc.
Selected Publications
Empire of Ecstasy: Nudity and Movement in German Body Culture 1910-1930;
The Voice of Rapture;
The Orgy Calculus;
Pantomime: The History and Metamorphosis of a Theatrical Ideology (forthcoming)