Date Updated



Elementary Education

Academic Rank

Professor Emeritus

Year Retired from SJSU


Educational Background

Stanford University, Educational Psych/Guidance, 1959 Ed.D

Stanford University, Educational Psychology, 1953 MA.

Drury College, Psychology and Education, 1949 AB magna cum laude

Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1946-1947

Jefferson City Junior College, 1943-1944

Teaching Experience

San Jose State University, 1957-1995

Texas Tech University, Visiting Professor, 1969

Los Altos, CA, Public Schools, 1952-1956

Red Bluff, CA, Public Schools, 1949-1952

U.S. Hospital for Federal Prisoners, Springfield, MO, Instructor, 1949

Administrative and Professional Experience

Director, Elementary Intern Teaching Program, SJSU, 1962-1966

Associate Dean and Director, Office of Sponsored Programs, SJSU, 1978-1982

Assistant Dean, School of Education, SJSU, 1983

Project Director, Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, San Francisco and Berkeley, California, 1966‑69.

State Coordinator, U of Wisconsin R & D Center, Individually Guided Education Project

Senior Consultant, California Teacher Development Project, 1971‑73.

Director, Project Interchange: The NASA/USOE Communications Technology Satellite Experiment No. 16, 1975‑76.


Palo Alto City Library Commissioner,1999-2001

Selected Publications

Warren Kallenbach. "California Teacher Development Project; Fremont ESEA Title 3, Dissemination Grant Period. Evaluation Report 1972-73." Faculty Publications (1973).

Helen Dell and Warren Kallenbach. "The Effects of an Individualized Instruction Workshop and Its Related Follow-up Program on the Attitudes and Behavior of Selected Elementary Teachers and Their Students: Final Report" (1972)

Warren Kallenbach and Dennis Carmichael. "The California Development Program: A System for Individualizing Instruction" AV Guide: The Learning Media Magazine Vol. 51 Iss. 4 (1972) p. 13 - 16

Warren Kallenbach. "Individualizing Teacher Education Program" Washington, D.C.Innovation in Teacher Education: An International Perspective (1972)

Merwin Deever and Warren Kallenbach. "The Development of a Model Preservice Training Program for Beginning Church Teachers" (1972)

Dennis Carmichael and Warren Kallenbach. "The California Teacher Development Project: An Individualized Approach to In-Service Education." Journal of Secondary Education Vol. 46 Iss. 1 (1971) p. 16 - 20

Gordon Hayes, Warren Kallenbach and Richard Jones. "Developing Education Objectives" Sacramento, CACalifornia Department of Education Institute for Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (1970)

Co‑author, Instrument for the Observation of Teaching Activities, with Lucien Kinney, Stanford University et al. 1960, 1970.

W. Warren Kallenbach and Meredith D. Gall. "Microteaching versus Conventional Methods Training Elementary Intern Teachers" Journal of Educational Research Vol. 63 Iss. 3 (1969) p. 136 - 141

Walter R. Borg, Warren Kallenbach, Merva Morris and Allen Friebel. "Videotape Feedback and Microteaching in a Teacher Training Model" Journal of Experimental Education Vol. 37 Iss. 4 (1969) p. 9 - 16

Warren Kallenbach. "Who Gives an IOTA?" California School Administrator Vol. 24 Iss. 6 (1969)

Warren Kallenbach and Lucien Kinney. "The Quality of Measurement Using IOTA" (1969)

Warren Kallenbach. "Guidelines for the Selection of Video Tape Recorder Systems" California School Administrator Vol. 22 Iss. 6 (1967)

James Williams and Warren Kallenbach. "The Role of the Regional Educational Laboratories in the West" Nevada Education Vol. 3 (1967)

Warren Kallenbach. "The Effectiveness of Videotaped Practice Teaching Sessions in the Preparation of Elementary Intern Teachers. Final Report." Faculty Publications (1967).

Warren Kallenbach. "Microteaching as a Teaching Methodology" BerkeleyProceedings of the Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development Conference on Instructional Methods and Teacher Behavior (1966)

Warren Kallenbach. "The IOTA Teacher Evaluation Program" California Elementary Administrator Vol. 28 Iss. 1 (1965)

Lucien Kinney, R. Bradley, Warren Kallenbach, Viola M. Owen, et al.. "A Design for Teacher Evaluation" National Elementary Principal Vol. 43 (1963)

Editor, with Harold M. Hodges, Jr., Education & Society, 1963.

Warren Kallenbach and Viola M. Owen. "Measuring Teaching Effectiveness: A Training Program for California Administrators" California Elementary Administrator Vol. 25 Iss. 2 (1962)

Warren Kallenbach. "Can We Measure Success in Teaching?" California Elementary Administrator Vol. 24 Iss. 1 (1961)

Author or co‑author on many articles on evaluation of teacher competence; Microteaching.

Please see CV for other publications and presentations

Personal Commentary

I was born and grew up in rural, central Missouri. In 1944, I enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served in Communications Security on the West Coast, Hawaii and the Pacific Ocean. My wife and I attended Drury College, Springfield, MO, where we got our Missouri Teaching Credentials in 1949. Fortunately, our Dean of Education wanted us to go to Stanford University; my wife majoring in graduate drama and I in Guidance and Counseling and Educational Psychology. We taught in the same school in Red Bluff, CA, and I taught eighth grade in Los Altos, CA, while I was getting my degrees, school administration and supervision credentials. My wife taught in San Francisco and Palo Alto.

I joined the San Jose State College Division of Education faculty in fall 1957, the 100th anniversary of the college. I taught there for 38 years; teaching educational psychology; educational sociology, research methodology and supervised hundreds of elementary student teachers and elementary intern teachers.

I took leave from teaching to do research and development at the Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, Berkeley, CA, in 1966 through 1969. At the university, I served as project director of several projects including several on microteaching, assessing teaching competence and individualized instruction procedures. I was State Coordinator for Individually Guided Education for the University of Wisconsin Research and Development Center and Project Consultant for the California Teacher Development Project. In 1976‑76, I was Project Director for Project Interchange: The NASA/USOE Communications Technology Satellite Experiment No. 16.

In 1972, I received the Innovative Teaching Award, California Teachers Association.

In 1978, I was selected as Associate Dean for Research and Director, Office of Sponsored Programs for the University. University grant applications and awards more than doubled during the four years I served in that position. In 1982, I commenced the Faculty Early Retirement Program but was asked to serve as Associate Dean, School of Education during the following year. I continued in early retirement until I fully retired in 1995.

I have served as president or chairperson of several Palo Alto non‑profit organizations including Friends of the Palo Alto Library, Friends of the Children's Theatre, Junior Museum Associates, Council for the Arts: Palo Alto and Midpeninsula and, most recently, as Treasurer of the Palo Alto Historical Association. In June 1996, I received the City of Palo Alto Community Service Star Award, the first year it was awarded by the city.

Date Completed: 6/96

Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.

I narrowly missed coming to San José State. I applied to teach there before I had my doctorate. One day I came home and my wife said, "You got a call from San José State, but I think I blew it. They asked for 'Doctor Kallenbach' and I said, 'Doctor Who?!"

I was accepted as an Assistant Professor of Teacher Education in September 1957. I was still completing my Doctor of Education dissertation at Stanford University when I was hired. I thought I wouldn’t even be interviewed. I taught and administered at San Jose State for 38 years, working to prepare over 3000 elementary and middle school teaching candidates for their careers in teaching. I had no student ever fail in student teaching or in getting a teaching job.

As a professor I applied for and received several research and development grants. My Project Interchange grant utilized a space satellite to broadcast instruction in individualizing instruction to students. The satellite was positioned at 23,000 miles high over Northwest South America.

My wife and I had three daughters and lived in Palo Alto for 51 years and then moved, in 2002, to Portland, Oregon to be close to one of our daughters. I am still living in Portland and am now residing in a Senior Retirement Community.

Date Updated: November 12, 2009; August 15, 2020



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Kallenbach, W. Warren
