McIntyre, Michael P. (1921-2020)

McIntyre, Michael P. (1921-2020)

Date Updated




Academic Rank


Year Retired from SJSU

1983 (+FERP)

Educational Background

The Ohio State University, 1951 PhD

University of Washington, 1947 MA

University of Washington, 1943, BA

Teaching Experience

San Jose State University, 1956-1983

Wayne State University, 1952-1956

Kent State University, 1949-1952

The Ohio State University (graduate associate), 1947-1949

University of Washington (graduate associate), 1946-1947

University of Washington (teaching assistant), 1942-1943

Administrative and Professional Experience

1st Lt. U.S. Marine Corps – World War II,1942‑46

President, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, 1977

First Chairman of SJSU Geography Department, 11 years

Selected Publications

Physical Geography, Wiley, 5 editions, 1966‑96.

Multiple articles, chapters, etc., dealing with Pacific Islands, especially New Zealand and the Philippines

Personal Commentary

Date Completed:5/96

Adapted from: Biographies of Retired Faculty San Jose State University 1997: A Project of the Emeritus Faculty Association of San Jose State University. San Jose, CA: The University, 1997.

Date Updated: 2/5/10


McIntyre, Michael P. (1921-2020)
