Beard, Jean

Beard, Jean

Date Updated



Biological Sciences

Academic Rank

Professor Emerita

Year Retired from SJSU


Educational Background

Oregon State University, 1969 PhD

University of Northern Iowa, 1960 MA

University of Iowa, 1956 BA

Teaching Experience

San Jose State, 1969-2005

Oregon State University, 1965-1968

Mankato State University, Campus School, 1961-1965

Rochester, MN Public Schools, 1956-1961

Administrative and Professional Experience

Administered and taught in NSF supported "Evolution and Nature of Science Institutes", 1989-98.

Selected Publications

Nickels, Martin K., C.E. Nelson and J. Beard (1996) Better Biology Teaching byEmphasizing Evolution & the Nature of Science, American Biology Teacher,58(6):332-336.

Nelson, Craig E., M.K. Nickels and J. Beard (1998) The Nature of Science as a Foundation for Teaching Science: Evolution as a Case Study. In Wm. F. McComas (Ed.) The Nature of Science in Science Education Rationales and Strategies. (pp. 315-328) London, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Personal Commentary

Date Completed: June 1, 2010


Beard, Jean
