Publication Date

Spring 2015

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Ruth Rosenblum, Chair

Second Advisor

Iris Gibbs

Third Advisor

Annette Nasr


Radiation Therapy, Family Centered-care, Standard Work


Problem: Parents of children diagnosed with cancer face a number of physical, emotional, and social hurdles in the race for a cure. Family schedules shift dramatically to accommodate daily radiation therapy treatment appointments. Ambulatory procedure unit nursing staff attempt to teach and interpret the process without the benefit of a family-centered intradepartmental structured communication process to promote safe care with these families.

Methods: Implementation of a structured family-centered interprofessional standard work model to promote interdepartmental collaboration. The project implemented a structured family-centered interview and standard work algorithms to improve the radiation therapy family experience.

Results: A structured, streamlined, interdepartmental interview, teaching format, and educational resources for nurses to use with families. Standardized work roles were formulated to improve the communication algorithm and collaboration between departments.

Conclusion: The implementation of a nurse-led, standardized work process increased interprofessional collaboration, resulting in increased communication and a family-centered perioperative care model.



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