Publication Date


Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Nisha Nair

Second Advisor

Javier Amu

Third Advisor

Candice Brantley


Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Program, parent refusal, HPV, vaccination


Pediatric primary care focuses on maintaining patients’ health, preventing diseases, and assessing children’s developmental milestones. Vaccine administration and disease prevention are key components of a well-child exam for pediatric patients; however, vaccine refusal is an important complication of pediatric patient care. Of particular interest to this researcher is the HPV vaccine which was approved by the Federal Drug Administration and is currently recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016) for both males and females, beginning at 11 or 12 years of age through age 26 years. The HPV vaccine protects against diseases and cancers caused by the HPV virus; thus, it is important that primary caregivers of pediatric patients be informed about the benefits of this vaccine to ensure that more caregivers give their consent to administer the vaccine. This Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project was designed to evaluate parental refusal for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine via in-person interviews, vaccine teaching sessions, and a subsequent evaluation of the effect of these sessions on parental consent to the HPV vaccine. This project took place in a rural pediatric health clinic, and a total of 12 parents completed the one-month follow-up phone assessments. The results of this study noted a positive impact of the vaccine teaching sessions on the parental decision to consent to the HPV vaccine in the clinic, revealing that seven parents (58%) changed their decision from refusing the HPV vaccine to consenting to its administration.



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