Publication Date


Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Susan McNiesh

Second Advisor

Mary-Ann Robson

Third Advisor

Jennifer Reyes


children with medical complexity, discharge teaching, transition


The purpose of this study is to query the nurses for their perceptions of the barriers and facilitators of discharging medically complex pediatric patients from a freestanding children’s hospital in central California. Using a mixed methods research design via an online survey, 90 nurses identified 3 distinct themes that act as barriers. Those barriers include: 1) knowing the plan of care, 2) time, and 3) disposition of the family. Several implications for improving the discharge process for medically complex patients and overcoming the identified barriers include strategies to improve multidisciplinary communication, implementation of a Family Learning Center, use of video interpreters when in-person interpreters are not available, and respect for discharge readiness. Recognizing and implementing the appropriate interventions based on nurses’ feedback have the potential to improve quality and patient safety.



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