Publication Date


Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Danette Dutra

Second Advisor

Nicolette Estrada

Third Advisor

Revena Gantuangco


Nursing informatics, Hands-free wireless communication, Vocera, Hospital communication system, HWCD, HFCD


Purpose: Failures in communication have long been identified as one of the root causes of preventable medical errors. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to assess staff perceptions on the outcomes of communication, workflow efficiency, and patient care quality after the implementation of a hands-free, wireless communication device in a federal acute care setting.

Methodology: Replicating the quantitative component of a 2012 study by De Grood et al., a 10-item survey using a 5-point Likert scale was administered within a 4-week period to healthcare team members from two inpatient units composed of monitor technicians, nurses, nursing assistants, and unit clerks. Results: Out of 110 staff sampled, 84 surveys were returned garnering a 76.4% response rate. Frequencies for each of the 10 survey statements within the strongly agree/agree category ranged between 54%-88%. Pearson correlation coefficient generated statistically significant results and yielded strong, positive correlation values between each pair: communication and patient care quality, workflow efficiency and patient care quality, and communication and workflow efficiency.

Implications: Healthcare team members positively perceive the use of the hands-free, wireless communication device. Staff believed that as communication improved, their workflow efficiency increased, and the quality of patient care they delivered was enhanced with the technology used. Investments in communication technology can positively influence patient care quality and staff satisfaction.

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Other Nursing Commons



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