Publication Date

Spring 2022

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Arlene Spilker


workplace violence, readiness for practice, clinical simulation, Mitigation via Simulation


Workplace Violence (WPV), a significant problem in health care in the United States and worldwide, causes emotional and physical harm to nurses, negatively affects quality care delivery, and contributes to burn out, job dissatisfaction, and attrition. Clinical simulation was used to educate registered nursing students about WPV and train them in mitigation techniques in an effort to improve their awareness and readiness for professional nursing practice. Data from 37 students in their final semester of nursing school were collected anonymously prior to and after reviewing online materials about WPV and attending a 3-hour simulation experience in which two scenarios were presented. Measures of student learners’ perceptions of knowledge, skills, ability, confidence, and preparedness to manage aggressive or violent patient behaviors pre- and post-simulation showed statistically significant improvement in all five categories.

Included in

Other Nursing Commons



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