Publication Date

Summer 2022

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Wei-Chen Tung


Culturally tailored, diabetes self-care management, self-care activities, self-efficacy, self-motivation, diabetes self-management education (chronic care management)


Type 2 diabetes mellitus in the United States is an epidemic that disproportionately affects Hispanics in the state of California. Many factors have been attributed to this phenomenon because of their unique characteristics. As recent studies have pointed out, their social determinants of health, cultural influences, and genetic predisposition often lead to poor health outcomes and impaired quality of life. A targeted approach is critical in promoting increased diabetes knowledge, enabling skills to master self-care activities, and positive self-care behaviors to avert poor outcomes. The purpose of this doctoral project is to examine whether culturally tailored DSME influences an individual’s self-motivation and self-efficacy levels (self-care behaviors), to determine whether the demographics have a relationship with self-care behaviors and to conduct a course evaluation. The pilot study utilized a single-group, prospective, quasi-experimental design with pre- and posttest intervention tests among ten Hispanic adults with T2DM at a county-operated specialty clinic. The study utilized two reliable and validated tools in Spanish to measure outcomes. The intervention showed a significant improvement in self-care behaviors, while the demographics showed an influence over these self-care behaviors over 6-8 weeks. The pilot study affirmed that a targeted approach is effective in activating positive behaviors among Hispanics with T2DM. The results of the intervention also highlighted the importance of promoting health equity through a structured DSME program. Further investigation is needed among the Hispanics with T2DM to identify barriers to self-care and for clinicians to develop culturally competent protocols to sustain the results of this study.

Included in

Other Nursing Commons



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