Publication Date

Spring 2023

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Ruth K. Rosenblum

Second Advisor

Denise Dawkins

Third Advisor

Victoria Aberbook


labor support, physiologic birth, educational intervention, childbirth, non-medical birth, labor support interventions


The ability to provide emotional and physical support to a patient during one of the most significant moments of her life is a privilege afforded to intrapartum nurses who attend to laboring and delivering mothers. Labor support improves birth outcomes, reduces cesarean birth rates, and decreases anesthesia use. More labor support education needs to be made available to intrapartum nurses. Within the hospital context, this quality improvement (QI) project investigated the effects of educating intrapartum nurses about labor support and providing them with hands-on training. Surveys, including the Self-Efficacy Labor Support Scale, were as given pre- and post-education to evaluate and document knowledge acquisition. These surveys collected quantitative and qualitative data from participants. Project results encourage intrapartum nurses to be educated and trained in evidence-based labor support interventions for maintaining comfort during labor. In doing so, they can provide care that more effectively supports a mother's labor preference.



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