Publication Date

Spring 2015

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Danette Dutra

Second Advisor

Lilia Meraz-Gottfried

Third Advisor

Maria Escolta


Admission medication reconciliation, Electronic medical record


Medication reconciliation is an important process in the acute care setting that has implications for patient safety and outcomes. The medication reconciliation process occurs at transitions in care and involves disciplines including; nurses, pharmacists, and physicians. The role of the nurse in the admission portion of the process includes collecting and entering home medication information into the electronic medical record. It is crucial for the medication information to be entered in an accurate, timely, and complete manner.

The addition of the electronic medical record has not solved documentation challenges related to medication reconciliation but has added more transparency of issues. This quality improvement project looked at the nurses knowledge level and knowledge retention of the admission medication process at three points in time related to an educational intervention. A survey was used to measure the nurse’s knowledge retention at the third point in time and collect additional information including demographics.

This project provides insight on the nurses comfort levels with skills related to the admission medication reconciliation process. Nurses perceived barriers to the admission medication reconciliation process were also identified. The information gained from this quality improvement project provides the organization and administration with guidance to support nurse’s role in the admission medication reconciliation process.

Included in

Other Nursing Commons



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