Publication Date

Spring 2015

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Constance Hill

Second Advisor

Deepika Goyal

Third Advisor

Miranda Worthen


Screening, Human trafficking, Advanced practice nursing


Problem: Human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) is a global problem effecting every country including the United States. The impact of human trafficking while it is devastating to individuals, the impact goes well beyond individual victims and undermines the health, safety and security of all nations (U.S. Department of State Publication, 2007, p. 5).This research is an attempt to assess the knowledge of advance practice nurses or nurse practitioners (NP) in the subject of commercial sexual exploitation and their willingness to screen their patients who may be at-risk.

Methods: The design was web-based with advanced practice nurses who are current and past members of the Sacramento Chapter of California Association for Nurse Practitioners (CANP) completed a pre-test, viewed an web-based educational intervention then completed the post-test and evaluation.

Results: Demographics were 34 females and 3 males with an N = 37. The majority of APNs were older, worked in family practice and were even dispersed between hospital-based clinics, community clinics, school-based clinics and private practice. Three hypothesis emerged from the data: did the educational intervention make a difference? With a web-based design, did the younger APNs, 25-35 age group, do better than the older APNs, 56-65 age group? And finally, was there a statistical significance in the years of experience or did those with less than 10 years do as well as those with more than 10 years? There was no statistical significance with hypothesis 1 and 2 with p = 0.245 and p = 0.799. However, there is a statistical significance with years of experience. The data showed APNs with more than 10 years of experience did better than those with less than 10 years, p = 0.040. Based on evaluation results 85% of respondents felt the process of web-based design was very easy and the information very helpful, along with 85% very and somewhat willing to screen their patients.

Conclusion: Advanced practice nurses are knowledgeable in regards to the subject of commercial sexual exploitation and are willing to screen their patients at-risk, especially for those APNs who have more than 10 years of work experience.

Included in

Other Nursing Commons



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