Publication Date

Spring 2016

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Danette Dutra

Second Advisor

Sunday Irene

Third Advisor

Stephanie Sanden


Hispanic, Diabetes, Self-management


Diabetes mellitus type 2 is an ever increasing threat to the health of people living in the United States, especially those of Hispanic ethnicity. This ethnic group is disproportionately afflicted with the chronic condition and is also more likely than non-Hispanic whites to suffer from serious complications of diabetes. This project examines this growing problem among Hispanics living in the Central Valley of California by exploring how best to structure diabetes self-management education in a network of community health centers.

The Social Cognitive Theory provides a theoretical basis for investigation into motivation for diabetes self-management. This needs assessment specifically explored data on barriers to diabetes care, patient education preferences, and existing diabetes knowledge by asking subjects to complete two low-literacy bilingual surveys. Ninety-four completed survey packets from two health center locations were received.

Data analysis revealed that the sample was relatively homogenous demographically. Education preferences showed strong support for individual education sessions with certified diabetes educators or patients’ regular medical providers, preferably Hispanic individuals. The need for diabetes education is supported by an average score of roughly 50% correct on the diabetes knowledge surveys. Recommendations resulting from this data center on utilizing diabetes educators within the health centers.



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