Publication Date

Spring 2017

Degree Type

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Ruth Rosenblum

Second Advisor

Kathy Rowan

Third Advisor

Olga Libova


Health information technology, Caring, Nursing


Technology is rapidly, constantly evolving, and affecting healthcare. While it has the ability to improve healthcare outcomes, it is important to realize the impact this technology has on the relationships between patients and nurses (Korhonen, et al., 2015). Interactions with patients are increasing through computer technology and decreasing by physical presence and touch, potentially compromising the development of a trusting relationship and thus affecting patient quality outcomes (Sandelowski, 2002).

This cross sectional study explored the attitudes and perceptions of APRNs towards HIT and its effects on caring. 150 Advanced Practice Clinicians in a Northern California healthcare was surveyed, using the Information Technology Attitude Scales for Health (ITASH). Age, educational level, gender and ethnicity did not contribute any significant differences in the attitudes toward care value of information communication technology (ICT), training of ICT skills, ICT confidence or workload value. However, NPs compared to CNMs and PAs, had higher care value ICT score. Primary Care department also scored higher than Specialty Departments in the care value of ICT factor.



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