Publication Date
Fall 2021
Degree Type
Master's Project
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Computer Science
First Advisor
Ben Reed
Second Advisor
Thomas Austin
Third Advisor
Cassandra Paul
Markdown, Canvas, Question and Test Interoperability
As the classroom setting shifted to a virtual one as a result of Covid-19, numerous software are readily available to accommodate for the change, including Canvas, the online course management system. Canvas has a core feature that allows teachers to generate and administer quizzes for students through their interface, but it does not fully utilize the potential with online exams. The first step to exploring this potential is this project, known as Markdown to Question & Test Interoperability (M2QTI). Based on the QTI specifications, this tool lets users to plan and write quizzes in Markdown format. Combined with Canvas’s ability to import files, M2QTI allows for convenient and organized quiz generation. This project explores the design and implementation of the software, and paves the way for future work.
Recommended Citation
Kim, Su, "Markdown to Question & Test Interoperability" (2021). Master's Projects. 1038.
Included in
Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces Commons, Programming Languages and Compilers Commons