Publication Date
Spring 2023
Degree Type
Master's Project
Degree Name
Master of Science in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN)
First Advisor
Robin Whitney
standardized education, chemotherapy, patient education, individualized education
As the number of cancer diagnoses continues to increase and is expected to keep rising, it becomes imperative to explore avenues to optimize patient education. Research has consistently demonstrated that effective education plays a crucial role in improving patient outcomes. Through my previous experiences in various outpatient oncology infusion centers, I have observed significant variations in the methods employed for delivering patient education across different facilities. In this literature review, I explored the effects of standardized chemotherapy education and individualized chemotherapy education on patients in outpatient oncology clinics. The predominant themes across these studies encompass patient awareness of anticipated symptoms, effective symptom management, and levels of anxiety experienced. Standardized education was found to enhance symptom knowledge among patients, leading to improved symptom management. However, this method of education was found to have little to no effect on patient anxiety. Individualized chemotherapy education, on the other hand, was proven to be an effective education method to decrease patient anxiety and improve patient knowledge. However, its impact on patient symptom management remains unclear due to the lack of available information provided within the research.
Recommended Citation
Issac, Jija, "Effectiveness of Standardized vs. Individualized Cancer Treatment Education" (2023). Master's Projects. 1290.