Publication Date

Fall 2024

Degree Type

Master's Project

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Katerina Potika

Second Advisor

Navrati Saxena

Third Advisor

William Andreopoulos


Graph Anomaly Detection, Neural Networks, Graph Autoencoder


Attributed graphs are graphs that contain extra information about the attributes of nodes and edges. They can be used to model a plethora of real-world scenarios like social networks, bank transactions, and even academic citation data. Anomalies in such graphs can be irregularities or unusual patterns that are observed in the attributes or the structure of the graph. Anomaly detection in attributed networks is a crucial task, aiming to identify such anomalies. Existing methodologies use various deep learning techniques using graph neural networks, graph encoder-decoder architectures, and multi-layer perceptions. This study proposes a new approach to improve the existing methods using different types of neural networks. Additionally, it takes into account the different type of attributes (relations) on edges that are present in some datasets that contain real-world anomalies, like the DGraph-Fin. The experiments are performed on datasets with synthetic and real anomalies. We observed that the density of the graph affected the efficiency of the different types of Graph Neural Networks. We provide experimental results on four datasets and four different Graph Neural Network approaches and show that we have the same or improved precision and recall.

Available for download on Wednesday, December 31, 2025
