Publication Date

Spring 2011

Degree Type

Master's Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Melody Moh

Second Advisor

Jon Pearce

Third Advisor

Mark Stamp


Wireless sensor networks security


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is an exciting new technology with applications in military, industry, and healthcare. These applications manage sensitive information in potentially hostile environments. Security is a necessity, but building a WSN protocol is difficult. Nodes are energy and memory constrained devices intended to last months. Attackers are physically able to compromise nodes and attack the network from within. The solution is Centralized Secure Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (CSLEACH). CSLEACH provides security, energy efficiency, and memory efficiency. CSLEACH takes a centralized approach by leveraging the gateways resources to extend the life of a network as well as provide trust management. Using a custom event based simulator, I am able to show CSLEACH's trust protocol is more energy efficient and requires less memory per node than Trust-based LEACH (TLEACH). In terms of security, CSLEACH is able to protect against a wide range of attacks from spoofed messages to compromised node attacks and it provides confidentiality, authentication, integrity and freshness.
